Linear Algebra (Math 110) - Summer 2012
University of California, Berkeley

MTuWTh 10am-11am, Room 3109 Etcheverry (Lecture)
MTuWTh 11am-12pm, Room 3109 Etcheverry (Discussion)

Instructor: George Melvin

Contact: [my email]
Office: 853 Evans Hall
Office Hours: Monday 12.10-1.40pm, Thursday 12.10-1.40pm - 853 Evans Hall

Course Outline

From the online schedule: Matrices, vector spaces, linear transformations, inner products. Determinants. Eigenvectors. QR Factorisation. Quadratic Forms and Rayleigh's Principle. Jordan Canonical Form, applications. Linear Functionals.

The aim is to cover all of these topics (except possibly Rayleigh's Principle) although not necessarily in the given order. Our main topics of study will be the Jordan Canonical Form and Euclidean and Hermitian spaces. If time permits we will consider quadratic forms on Euclidean and Hermitian spaces. For a detailed outline of the course see the syllabus (Syllabus updated 6/26).

Prerequisites: Math 54 or equivalent (Lower Division Linear Algebra). See the prerequisite knowledge sheet.


There are many textbooks on linear algebra available, each having their own merits and deficiencies. This course will not follow any particular text too closely but there will be lecture notes provided at the beginning of class and uploaded online. The 'required textbook' below has been chosen for both its merits and its (cheap) price but the content of the course will not be lifted straight from it. Rather, think of the text as an aid to the course and a supplement to the course notes.

I have also provided some recommended textbooks that I personally like and some that other maths graduate students like, as well as pointing you in the direction of the 'Linear Algebra' section of the library. I hope that these references will allow you to gain a different perspective on the material taught during class. However, the notes that I hand out and the content I write on the board during class will be what you are expected to know.

WARNING: Having a lot of different references can be both helpful and a hindrance: don't spend all your time looking through textbooks if you don't understand something, come to office hours or send me an email and I will endeavour to help you understand. Better still, speak to your classmates!

Required Textbook: Linear Algebra - Georgi E. Shilov; Dover Publications.

Recommended Textbooks:

Library: Linear algebra textbooks can be found in the library with Library of Congress call numbers beginning QA184-191. Books with titles such as 'An Introduction to Linear Algebra', 'Elementary Linear Algebra' and 'Undergraduate Linear Algebra' are a pretty safe bet to include the material we will cover in this course.

The following textbooks are on reserve in the Mathematics Library in Evans Hall: I have started a class forum at, if you would like to added to this then please send me an email. Feel free to ask any questions you have concerning the material covered during class and on any problems you have with homework; also, please answer any questions you feel comfortable discussing with your fellow students. Try to be civil with each other!

Here is some useful information on problem solving techniques given by the Hungarian mathematician George Polya.

Here is an interesting article about the German mathematician Hermann Grassmann and his involvement in the development of linear algebra during the 19th Century.

Lecture Notes

Lecture notes for the class will be made available here intermittently throughout the course. If you find any errors (mathematical or grammatical) in the notes then please send me an email outlining the problem and I will get things sorted as soon as possible.

Content: Here is a brief outline of what was covered during classtime. All page references refer to the lecture notes above.


Exam 1 will take place on Monday July 16th in 3109 Etcheverry Hall. The exam will start promptly at 10.15am and finish at 12pm. PLEASE ARRIVE IN CLASS AS EARLY AS POSSIBLE.

Practice Exams:

Exam 2 will take place on Thursday August 9th in 3109 Etcheverry Hall. The exam will start promptly at 10.15am and finish at 12pm. PLEASE ARRIVE IN CLASS AS EARLY AS POSSIBLE.

Here are some review notes on Jordan canonical form and bilinear forms.

Here are some review problems on Jordan canonical form and bilinear forms. Here are some solutions to the JCF problems and the bilinear forms problems.


Short Homework will be due at 10.10am in Etcheverry 3109 on Monday and Wednesday Thursday, except the first and fifth Monday (6/18, 7/16) and Wednesday July 4 Thursday August 9. All homework problem sets will be handed out in class and posted below.

Long Homework will be due at 10.10am in Etcheverry 3109 on Tuesday, except the fifth Tuesday (7/17) when Long Homework will be due Thursday (7/19).

Late homework will not be accepted.

If you are unable to submit your homework at the required time you can leave it in my mailbox (situated in the 9th floor mail room of Evans Hall, opposite the North Elevators) at any time before 10.10am on the day it is due. Please email me if you intend to leave your homework in my mailbox.

Collaboration on homework is welcome and encouraged although if you are working with another student please state that you have done so (eg. if you work with A. Nother on a particular question just write "This question was completed with A. Nother."). Failure to declare collaboration with another student will result in a grade penalty (and it is remarkably simple to tell when students have copied each other). Also, if you have used a textbook or online notes to help you understand/solve a problem please cite a reference (eg. if you used pages 52-60 of Prof. X's online lecture notes just write "This question used p.52-60 of Prof. X's online lecture notes, available at

Short Homework:

Long Homework:


Here are copies of the worksheets that are handed out during class. Please attempt these questions even if we do not get around to them during class as they will provide insight to various concepts and give you more practice at solving problems.

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