Full listing of all department members

Background image: Full listing of all department members
Name Job title Research area Role Research interests
Paul A. Vojta Professor Algebra Senate Faculty
Diophantine approximation, Nevanlinna theory (especially as related to diophantine approximation), Arakelov theory
John B. Wagoner Professor Emeritus Geometry/Topology Emeritus Faculty, Senate Faculty

Differential topology, Algebraic K-theory, Dynamical systems

Edric Wang Graduate Student
Jiasu Wang Applied Mathematics Graduate Student
Jikang Wang Morrey Visiting Assistant Professor Geometry/Topology Morrey Visiting Assistant Professor, Faculty

Differential geometry and metric geometry

Rui Wang Unit 18 Lecturer Geometry/Topology Instructor, Faculty

Symplectic geometry and contact geometry, Mathematical physics

Franziska Weber Assistant Professor Applied Mathematics, Mathematical Analysis Senate Faculty

Applied mathematics, numerical analysis, nonlinear partial differential equations

Katrin Wehrheim Associate Professor Geometry/Topology Senate Faculty

educating to counter oppression

Alan D. Weinstein Professor Emeritus, Professor of the Graduate School Geometry/Topology, Mathematical Analysis, Applied Mathematics Emeritus Faculty, Senate Faculty

Symplectic geometry, Mathematical physics

Harper Wells Mathematical Logic Graduate Student
Rebecca Whitman Algebra, Mathematical Logic Graduate Student
Jon Wilkening Professor Applied Mathematics, Mathematical Analysis Officer, Vice-Chair for Faculty Affairs, Senate Faculty

Applied mathematics, Numerical methods, Partial Differential Equations

Max Wimberley Graduate Student
Vilas Winstein Probability Graduate Student
Mariusz Wodzicki Professor Algebra, Mathematical Analysis, Applied Mathematics Senate Faculty

Non-commutative and algebraic geometry, Analysis, K-theory

Carol Wood Visitor Mathematical Logic, Algebra Visitor, Faculty

Model theory and its interactions with algebra and combinatorics

Victoria Y. H. Wood Graduate Student
W. Hugh Woodin Professor Emeritus Mathematical Logic Emeritus Faculty, Senate Faculty

Set theory, Large cardinals, Mathematical logic

Hung-Hsi Wu Professor Emeritus Geometry/Topology Emeritus Faculty, Senate Faculty

Real and complex geometry, mathematics education

Boyan Xu Graduate Student