
Calendar of Events

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Math 290 Seminars Spring 2025

Full Schedule for Spring 2025 Math 290 Seminars

Math 290 Seminars - Spring 2025 Schedule
Class Nbr Catalog Nbr Section Organizer's Name (first and last) Seminar Title Schedule (day/time) Date of First Meeting Evans Classroom Assigned Grading Option
15556 290 1 Sug Woo Shin Student Number Theory Seminar 939 W 4-5 1/22/2025 Evans 939 Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (ESU)
15557 290 2 David Eisenbud and Hannah Larson Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry 939 Tu 4pm-6:15pm 1/14/2025 Evans 939 Up to student - either Letter Grade or ESU is fine
15558 290 3 Ian Agol 3-manifold seminar 939 TU 930-11 1/21/2025 Evans 939 Up to student - either Letter Grade or ESU is fine
15559 290 4 Franziska Weber, Michael Lindsey Applied Math Seminar 939 W 11-12 1/22/2025 Evans 939 Up to student - either Letter Grade or ESU is fine
15560 290 5 Martin Olsson Student Arithmetic Geometry Seminar 748 F 2-3 1/24/2025 Evans 748 Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (ESU)
15561 290 6 Katrin Wehrheim Fancy Pseudoholomorphic Analysis Seminar 891 - T 12-130 1/28/2025 Evans 891 Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (ESU)
15562 290 7 Daniel Tataru Harmonic Analysis and Differential Equations (HADES) 740 T 330-5 1/28/2025 Evans 740 Up to student - either Letter Grade or ESU is fine
15563 290 8 Sung-Jin Oh Analysis & PDE Seminar 736 M 4-5 1/27/2025 Evans 736 Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (ESU)
15564 290 9 David Nadler Geometric Representation Theory 939 TTH 1230-2 1/23/2025 Evans 939 Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (ESU)
15565 290 10 Suncica Canic Applied and Numerical Partial Differential Equations 732 F 10-1130 1/24/2025 Evans 732 Up to student - either Letter Grade or ESU is fine
15566 290 11 Michael Hutchings Symplectic and contact geometry 939 W 1-2 1/22/2025 Evans 939 Up to student - either Letter Grade or ESU is fine
15567 290 12 Andrew Marks Descriptive Set Theory and Computability 736 F 11-1230 1/24/2025 Evans 736 Up to student - either Letter Grade or ESU is fine
15568 290 13 Lin Lin Quantum many-body seminar 891 F 1-3 1/10/2025 Evans 891 Up to student - either Letter Grade or ESU is fine
15569 290 14 Christian Gaetz Combinatorics Seminar 891 W 330-5 1/22/2025 Evans 891 Up to student - either Letter Grade or ESU is fine
15570 290 15 Christian Gaetz Cluster algebras learning seminar 891 T 11-12 1/21/2025 Evans 891 Up to student - either Letter Grade or ESU is fine
15571 290 16 FRAYDOUN REZAKHANLOU Student Probability/PDE Seminar 891 Th 2:30-4 1/23/2025 Evans 891 Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (ESU)
15572 290 17 Tony Feng RTG Number Theory, Arithmetic Geometry, and Representation Theory 939 M 230-5 1/27/2025 Evans 939 Up to student - either Letter Grade or ESU is fine
15573 290 18 Tony Feng Berkeley-Stanford Number Theory Working Seminar 732 T 230-430 1/14/2025 Evans 732 Up to student - either Letter Grade or ESU is fine
15574 290 19 Katrin Wehrheim Critical Inquiries in Mathematics 891 TH 12-1:30 1/21/2025 Evans 891 Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (ESU)
15575 290 20 Catherine Cannizzo On the Rao-Blackwell Theorem F 11am-12pm 1/31/2025 Evans 891 Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (ESU)
15576 290 21 Michael Lindsey High-Dimensional Scientific Computing Seminar TH 11-12 1/23/2025 Evans 736 Up to student - either Letter Grade or ESU is fine
15577 290 22 Sung-Jin Oh Nonlinear PDE Learning Seminar F 2-4 1/24/2025 Evans 736 Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (ESU)
15578 290 23 Sug Woo Shin Student seminar on automorphic forms W 2-3 1/22/2025 Evans 891 Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (ESU)
15579 290 24 Patrick Lutz Higher order reverse math W 4:30-6 1/22/2025 Evans 732 Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (ESU)
15580 290 25 Svetlana Jitomirskaya, Nikhil Srivastava, Maciel Zworski Spectral Theory W 2-3 1/22/2025 Evans 939 Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (ESU)
15581 290 26 Svetlana Jitomirskaya Wrgodic Schrodinger operators W 4-5 1/29/25 Evans 736 Up to student - either Letter Grade or ESU is fine
15582 290 27 Ilia Nakrasov, Vera Serganova, Alexandra Utiralova Representation theory and tensor categories T 2-3:30 1/21/25 Evans 939 Up to student - either Letter Grade or ESU is fine
15583 290 28 Lin Lin Computational Quantum Physics M 4-5:30 1/13/25 Evans 891 TBD
15584 290 29 Vilas Winstein, Karissa Huang, Mriganka Basu Roy Chowdhury Probability Student Seminar W 11-12 1/29/25 Evans 736 Up to student - either Letter Grade or ESU is fine
15585 290 30 Sylvie Corteel DIMERS T 1-3 1/21/25 Evans 740 Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (ESU)