Meet the Mathematics Undergraduate Advising Community!
Staff Advisors (
The Math Undergraduate Major Advisors advise students on major requirements, department policies and procedures, campus resources, academic and professional opportunities, research opportunities, developing study plans, and more. They manage the major declaration process and can assist with untying bureaucratic knots. They plan and participate in special events such as Cal Day, Golden Bear Advising, Golden Bear Orientation, Launch Day, and Commencement. They also maintain students' Academic Progress Reports (APRs) and certify degrees and minors. Students are strongly encouraged to meet with one of the Undergraduate Major Advisors to become familiarized with the program, and to seek assistance and support as soon as problems arise.
To reach the Mathematics Undergraduate Advising team, please email Importantly, please use email for quick questions only and not for in-depth advising. For in-depth advising, please either make an appointment with an advisor or drop-in for a meeting. While advising assignments are administratively split up by alphabet below, students are welcome to seek assistance and support from any of our Undergraduate Major Advisors.
Students interested in declaring a major in Mathematics or Applied Mathematics can find more information here.
Faculty Advisors
Faculty Advisors counsel students on the academic content of the undergraduate Math and Applied Math programs. Appropriate questions for the faculty advisor include selection of electives, how to best prepare for graduate-level courses, advice on how to self-study in a specific mathematical area, and how to get involved in research opportunities. Be sure to let them know if you are considering graduate school in order to gain insight on how to best prepare for the application process.
A Faculty Advisor's approval is also required if you would like to use a course that is not already on the pre-approved list of courses to satisfy an elective requirement.
Peer Advisors
Peer Advisors are current Math and Applied Math majors who provide valuable peer-to-peer advice on how to thrive as a major in the Math Department. They can provide guidance on course selection and preparation, schedule building and course progression, study tips, how to navigate the department and university, and more.
Enrollment Questions
Students with questions on our enrollment policies and guidelines should first review our Enrollment Guidelines. This page includes tips on how to get into our impacted courses, managing your own discussion section switches, information on waitlists, petitions for independent study courses, and more. Enrollment questions not answered by our website can be directed to
Please note that the department does not perform manual discussion section switches for students, will not override time conflicts, and does not manually process waitlists through the end of week 3. Email requests of this nature will not be prioritized for a response.
Mathematics Community Mailing List & Ed Discussion Group
Any undergraduate student majoring or intending to major in Math or Applied Math may request to be added to our community mailing list. You must use your to be approved for the Math-UG Community mailing list membership.
Students can also join our Mathematics Ed Discussion Community.
Staff Advisors
** Please use email for quick questions only and not for in-depth advising. For in-depth advising, please either make an appointment with an advisor or drop-in for a meeting. While advising assignments are administratively split up by alphabet below, students are welcome to seek assistance and support from any of our Undergraduate Major Advisors. **
Spring 2025 Advising Information
*Please note that schedules are subject to change.
Thomas Brown
Undergraduate Advisor (Last Name "A-K" students)
965 Evans Hall
(510) 643-9292
In Office: Tuesdays and Fridays
Working Remotely: Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays
Advising Appointments & Drop-ins: Mon - Fri 10:00 am - 12:00 pm and 1:00 - 4:00 pm
Stop by to see me in 965 Evans or book an appointment via CalCentral > My Academics
I will be working from home on Mondays, Wednesdays and altnernate Thursdays. I will be in the office Tuesdays, Fridays, and alternative Thursdays. In-person drop-in advising and video appointments are available while I am in the office. Video appointments are available while I am working from home. For a remote advising appointment via Zoom, current UC Berkeley students should use CalCentral's "My Academics" tab to schedule an appointment; Prospective students should email Thomas directly at Appointments may be scheduled Monday through Friday from 10 AM-Noon & 1-4 PM. I always send a Zoom link, but on days when I'm in the office feel free to come in person to 965 Evans Hall at our scheduled appointment time.
Hanh Tran
Undergraduate Programs Manager & Advisor (Last Name "L-N" students)
962 Evans Hall
In Office: Tuesdays-Thursdays
Working Remotely: Mondays & Fridays
Advising Appointments & Drop-ins: Monday - Friday 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Stop by to see me at 962 Evans or book an appointment via CalCentral > My Academics
I will be working from home on Mondays and Tuesdays and in the office on Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays. In-person drop-in advising and video appointments are available while I am in the office. Video appointments are available while I am working from home. For a remote advising appointment, current UC Berkeley students should use CalCentral's "My Academics" tab to schedule an appointment; Prospective students should email Hanh directly at Appointments may be scheduled Monday through Friday from 10:00 am - 12:00 pm.
Marsha Snow
Undergraduate Advisor (Last Name "O-Z" students)
964 Evans Hall
(510) 643-4148
In Office: Mondays and Tuesdays
Working Remotely: Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays
Advising Appointments & Drop-ins: Monday - Friday 9:00 am - 12:00 pm and 1:00 - 4:00 pm.
Stop by to see me in 964 Evans or book an appointment via CalCentral > My Academics
I will be working in 964 Evans Hall Mondays and Tuesdays. I will be working remotely Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. In-person drop-in advising, and video appointments are available while I am in the office. Video appointments are available while I am working from home. For a remote advising appointment via Google Hangouts, current UC Berkeley students should use Cal Central's "My Academics" tab to schedule an appointment; Prospective students should email Marsha directly at
Faculty Advisors
Faculty Advisors are available to students declared in Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, and Mathematics with a Concentration in Teaching.
You can review the current Faculty Advisor contact list here.
Peer Advisors
Peer Advising office hours in Spring 2025 are available! All office hours will be in-person at Evans Hall 947 or via Zoom You can contact the peer advisors directly at or follow them on Instagram @mathpeeradvisng
*Office Hours*
Mondays:6-7pm (Jolin, Zoom only)
Wednesdays:12-1pm, (Leo) 6:30-7:30pm (Lynn, Zoom only)
Thursdays:12-1pm (Daniel)
Fridays:12-1pm (Pooneh)
Lynn Nguyen
Hello! My name is Lynn, and I am a senior studying Applied Mathematics with a cluster in Operations Research and minoring in CalTeach. I enjoy writing Yelp reviews of new food places, baking, and paddling with the Dragonboat team! I am so excited to meet you, so stop by during office hours to ask me anything!
Math Classes Taken: Math 53, Math 54, Math 55, Math 104, Math 110, Math 113, Math 128A, Math 185, Math 151, Math 152
Relevant: Stat 134, IEOR 160, IEOR 162 (currently taking), EdSTEM 82T, EDUC 130, EDUC 131, EDUC 187, EDUC c122, HIST 182CT (currently taking)
Office Hours: Wednesday 6:30-7:30pm (Zoom only)
Pooneh Zehtabfard
Hi! My name is Pooneh and I’m a junior studying Applied Math (Geodynamics concentration) and Planetary Science with a minor in Music. Some of my hobbies include gardening, skiing, crocheting, baking, exploring the bay area, and finding new food spots around Berkeley. Feel free to drop in with any questions or just to chat! Here are some courses I’m familiar with:
Math: 54, 55, 104, 110, 113, 185
Relevant: Physics 7A, 7B, 7C, EPS 102, EPS C181
Currently Taking: Math 105, Astron C162, EPS 108, EPS 124
Office Hours: Friday 12-1 pm
Jolin Shao
Hi, I’m Jolin! I’m a junior majoring in Math (Actuarial Science concentration) and Statistics. When I first came to Berkeley, I knew I loved math but wasn’t sure which career path or concentration to pursue. Now, I’ve found my way to Actuarial Science. As an international student, I totally get how overwhelming it can be when you're unsure about your direction. Outside of school, I love hitting the gym and eating poke. Feel free to reach out and chat about anything!
Courses I’m familiar with:
Math: 53, 54, 55, 110, 104, 113, 128A, 160
Mathy: Stat 133, Stat 134, Stat 135
Office Hours: Monday 6-7pm (Zoom only)
Daniel Tsan
Hey everyone! My name is Daniel, and I'm in my fourth year at Berkeley, studying mathematics and computer science. Outside of school, you'll catch me rooting for the Warriors, watching kdramas, or listening to jazz. I love having conversations about math (or anything technical), so I'm always open to questions! Let's have an amazing semester! Courses I'm familiar with at Berkeley:
- Math: Math 1B, Math 54, Math 104, Math 110, Math 113, Math 124, Math 185
- Math-adjacent: CS 70, CS 170, EECS 126, EECS 127, Data 8, Data 100.
Office Hours: Thursday 12-1 pm
Leo Villani
Math: 53, 54, 55, 104, 110, 113, 115, 128A, 170, 185, 228A
Classes currently taking:
Office Hours: Wednesday 12-1pm
Enrollment Questions
Students with questions on our enrollment policies and guidelines should first review our Enrollment Guidelines. This page includes tips on how to get into our impacted courses, managing your own discussion section switches, information on waitlists, petitions for independent study courses, and more. Enrollment questions not answered by our website can be directed to
Please note that the department does not perform manual discussion section switches for students, will not override time conflicts, and does not manually process waitlists through the end of week 3, and as such email requests of this nature are not prioritized for a response.