Fall 2025

CourseCourse TitleDays/TimeLocationInstructorCourse Control Number
1 001 LEC Foundations of Lower Division Mathematics TuTh 11:00AM - 12:29PM Internet/Online   33566
3 001 LEC Precalculus TuTh 08:00AM - 09:29AM Hearst Field Annex A1   32819
10A 001 LEC Methods of Mathematics: Calculus, Statistics, and Combinatorics MoWeFr 09:00AM - 09:59AM Dwinelle 145   21765
16A 001 LEC Analytic Geometry and Calculus TuTh 06:30PM - 07:59PM Wheeler 150   21822
16B 001 LEC Analytic Geometry and Calculus TuTh 06:30PM - 07:59PM Pimentel 1 Antonio Montalban 21857
24 001 SEM Freshman Seminars Th 10:00AM - 11:59AM Evans 939 Francisco A Grunbaum 21769
51 001 LEC Calculus I TuTh 09:30AM - 10:59AM Wheeler 150 Alexander Paulin 32560
51 002 LEC Calculus I TuTh 08:00AM - 09:29AM Wheeler 150 Alexander Paulin 32561
52 001 LEC Calculus II MoWeFr 02:00PM - 02:59PM Wheeler 150 Zvezdelina E Stankova 32914
52 002 LEC Calculus II MoWeFr 03:00PM - 03:59PM Dwinelle 155 Zvezdelina E Stankova 32915
53 001 LEC Multivariable Calculus TuTh 08:00AM - 09:29AM Dwinelle 155 James Sethian 21781
53 002 LEC Multivariable Calculus TuTh 03:30PM - 04:59PM Wheeler 150   27063
H53 001 LEC Honors Multivariable Calculus TuTh 02:00PM - 03:29PM Dwinelle 223 Michael Hutchings 32786
54 001 LEC Linear Algebra and Differential Equations MoWeFr 08:00AM - 08:59AM Wheeler 150   21864
54 002 LEC Linear Algebra and Differential Equations MoWeFr 12:00PM - 12:59PM Valley Life Sciences 2050   21865
55 001 LEC Discrete Mathematics MoWeFr 02:00PM - 02:59PM Dwinelle 155 Mark Haiman 21782
56 001 LEC Linear Algebra TuTh 12:30PM - 01:59PM Valley Life Sciences 2050 Michael Lindsey 26188
98 009 GRP Supervised Group Study TuTh 09:30AM - 10:59AM     21998
98 010 GRP Supervised Group Study TuTh 11:00AM - 12:29PM     21999
98BC 001 DIS Berkeley Connect We 06:00PM - 06:59PM Dwinelle 106 Ronan Patrick Gerard O'Gorman 19024
98BC 002 DIS Berkeley Connect Tu 06:00PM - 06:59PM Anthro/Art Practice Bldg 115 Alan Goldfarb 19025
C103 001 LEC Introduction to Mathematical Economics TuTh 11:00AM - 12:29PM     26412
104 001 LEC Introduction to Analysis TuTh 11:00AM - 12:29PM Dwinelle 109 Kendric Schefers 22020
104 002 LEC Introduction to Analysis TuTh 02:00PM - 03:29PM Dwinelle 229 Kendric Schefers 22021
104 003 LEC Introduction to Analysis MoWeFr 09:00AM - 09:59AM Etcheverry 3109 Jikang Wang 22022
104 004 LEC Introduction to Analysis MoWeFr 11:00AM - 11:59AM Dwinelle 109 Jikang Wang 22023
104 005 LEC Introduction to Analysis MoWeFr 02:00PM - 02:59PM Etcheverry 3107   22024
104 006 LEC Introduction to Analysis MoWeFr 12:00PM - 12:59PM Dwinelle 109   23047
104 007 LEC Introduction to Analysis TuTh 12:30PM - 01:59PM Dwinelle 109 Sergei Korotkikh 23380
104 008 LEC Introduction to Analysis TuTh 03:30PM - 04:59PM Dwinelle 109 Sergei Korotkikh 23493
104 009 LEC Introduction to Analysis TuTh 08:00AM - 09:29AM Dwinelle 109   26588
110 001 LEC Abstract Linear Algebra MoWeFr 08:00AM - 08:59AM Dwinelle 155 Kenneth A Ribet 21990
113 001 LEC Introduction to Abstract Algebra TuTh 02:00PM - 03:29PM Dwinelle 155 Christian Gaetz 21978
H113 001 LEC Honors Introduction to Abstract Algebra MoWeFr 01:00PM - 01:59PM Etcheverry 3107 Ilia Nekrasov 25406
115 001 LEC Introduction to Number Theory TuTh 09:30AM - 10:59AM Dwinelle 219 Zeyu Liu 23922
118 001 LEC Fourier Analysis, Wavelets, and Signal Processing MoWeFr 09:00AM - 09:59AM Dwinelle 219   25391
121A 001 LEC Mathematical Tools for the Physical Sciences MoWeFr 02:00PM - 02:59PM Haviland 12 Michael J Ragone 22006
124 001 LEC Programming for Mathematical Applications TuTh 11:00AM - 12:29PM Valley Life Sciences 2060 Per-Olof Persson 32795
125A 001 LEC Mathematical Logic TuTh 03:30PM - 04:59PM Etcheverry 3107 Antonio Montalban 32796
126 001 LEC Introduction to Partial Differential Equations MoWeFr 03:00PM - 03:59PM Social Sciences Building 20   23275
128A 001 LEC Numerical Analysis TuTh 09:30AM - 10:59AM Haas Faculty Wing F295 Franziska Weber 21802
135 001 LEC Introduction to the Theory of Sets TuTh 03:30PM - 04:59PM     23826
136 001 LEC Incompleteness and Undecidability TuTh 02:00PM - 03:29PM Etcheverry 3107 Andrew Marks 26091
140 001 LEC Metric Differential Geometry MoWeFr 03:00PM - 03:59PM Dwinelle 219   25405
141 001 LEC Elementary Differential Topology TuTh 12:30PM - 01:59PM     23004
151 001 LEC Mathematics of the Secondary School Curriculum I TuTh 09:30AM - 10:59AM Dwinelle 130 Alexander B Givental 23499
170 001 LEC Mathematical Methods for Optimization TuTh 09:30AM - 10:59AM Birge 50 Anuj Kumar 23906
172 001 LEC Combinatorics TuTh 11:00AM - 12:29PM Cory 241 Christian Gaetz 25471
185 001 LEC Introduction to Complex Analysis MoWeFr 12:00PM - 12:59PM Dwinelle 215   22016
185 002 LEC Introduction to Complex Analysis MoWeFr 01:00PM - 01:59PM Dwinelle 109 Ruofan Jiang 27092
185 003 LEC Introduction to Complex Analysis TuTh 09:30AM - 10:59AM Dwinelle 109   22017
185 004 LEC Introduction to Complex Analysis MoWeFr 09:00AM - 09:59AM Etcheverry 3111   23825
185 005 LEC Introduction to Complex Analysis MoWeFr 09:00AM - 09:59AM Wheeler 102   23502
185 006 LEC Introduction to Complex Analysis MoWeFr 03:00PM - 03:59PM Etcheverry 3107 Ilia Nekrasov 27617
185 007 LEC Introduction to Complex Analysis TuTh 12:30PM - 01:59PM Dwinelle 215 Zeyu Liu 32802
191 001 SEM Experimental Courses in Mathematics TuTh 03:30PM - 04:59PM Dwinelle 234 Svetlana Jitomirskaya 19414
198BC 001 DIS Berkeley Connect We 07:00PM - 07:59PM Evans 5 Ronan Patrick Gerard O'Gorman 19020
198BC 002 DIS Berkeley Connect Tu 07:00PM - 07:59PM Evans 5 Alan Goldfarb 19021
198BC 003 DIS Berkeley Connect Tu 06:00PM - 06:59PM Evans 5 Audrey Rosevear 19022
198BC 004 DIS Berkeley Connect Tu 07:00PM - 07:59PM Dwinelle 106 Audrey Rosevear 19023
202A 002 LEC Introduction to Topology and Analysis TuTh 11:00AM - 12:29PM Dwinelle 219 Alan Hammond 33420
206 002 LEC Functional Analysis TuTh 12:30PM - 01:59PM Evans 740 Maciej Zworski 33438
214 001 LEC Differential Topology TuTh 09:30AM - 10:59AM Dwinelle 215 Michael Hutchings 25393
215A 001 LEC Algebraic Topology TuTh 02:00PM - 03:29PM Dwinelle 234 Alexander B Givental 23382
C218A 001 LEC Probability Theory TuTh 02:00PM - 03:29PM Evans 334   21968
221 001 LEC Advanced Matrix Computations MoWeFr 02:00PM - 02:59PM Dwinelle 109 Ming Gu 26125
222A 001 LEC Partial Differential Equations TuTh 11:00AM - 12:29PM Dwinelle 234 Daniel I Tataru 21967
224A 001 LEC Mathematical Methods for the Physical Sciences TuTh 12:30PM - 01:59PM Dwinelle 262 Svetlana Jitomirskaya 25456
225A 001 LEC Metamathematics TuTh 11:00AM - 12:29PM Dwinelle 130 Andrew Marks 21973
228A 001 LEC Numerical Solution of Differential Equations TuTh 02:00PM - 03:29PM Dwinelle 215 Michael Lindsey 21997
235A 001 LEC Theory of Sets MoWeFr 09:00AM - 09:59AM Dwinelle 130 Gabriel T Goldberg 27088
241 001 LEC Complex Manifolds TuTh 09:30AM - 10:59AM Dwinelle 179 Constantin Teleman 32811
242 001 LEC Symplectic Geometry TuTh 03:30PM - 04:59PM Evans 2 Katrin Wehrheim 24149
250A 001 LEC Groups, Rings, and Fields TuTh 02:00PM - 03:29PM Social Sciences Building 20 Richard E Borcherds 24190
254A 001 LEC Number Theory MoWeFr 09:00AM - 09:59AM Dwinelle 109 Sug Woo Shin 22018
255 001 LEC Algebraic Curves TuTh 09:30AM - 10:59AM Dwinelle 183 David Eisenbud 25392
256A 001 LEC Algebraic Geometry MoWeFr 01:00PM - 01:59PM Dwinelle 215   21764
258 001 LEC Harmonic Analysis TuTh 09:30AM - 10:59AM Evans 2 Ruixiang Zhang 24152
261A 001 LEC Lie Groups MoWeFr 12:00PM - 12:59PM Dwinelle 130 Vera Serganova 24755
275 001 LEC Topics in Applied Mathematics TuTh 03:30PM - 04:59PM Dwinelle 215 Suncica Canic 24757
276 001 LEC Topics in Topology TuTh 12:30PM - 01:59PM Evans 2 Ian Agol 32812