Full listing of all department members

Background image: Full listing of all department members
Name Job title Research area Role Research interests
Vinh-Kha Le Graduate Student
Catherine Lee Algebra, Geometry/Topology Graduate Student
Seewoo Lee Graduate Student

Number theory

Victoria Lee Director of Student Services Staff
Jiaqi Leng Simons Quantum Postdoctoral Fellow Applied Mathematics Faculty, Postdoc

Quantum algorithms for optimization and scientific computing.

Hendrik W. Lenstra, Jr. Professor Emeritus Algebra, Applied Mathematics Emeritus Faculty, Senate Faculty

Algebraic number theory, Algorithms

John Lentfer Graduate Student Algebra Graduate Student

My research interests include combinatorics and algebra.

Mingyang Li Mathematical Analysis, Geometry/Topology Graduate Student
Ruoxi Li Algebra, Geometry/Topology Graduate Student
Shilun Li Applied Mathematics Graduate Student

Coding Theory, Complexity Theory, Automated Theorem Proving

Yixuan Li Graduate Student
Galen Liang Geometry/Topology Graduate Student
Feiyang Lin Algebra Graduate Student
Lin Lin (林霖) Professor Applied Mathematics Senate Faculty

Numerical analysis; Quantum chemistry; Quantum algorithms

Michael J. Lindsey Assistant Professor Applied Mathematics, Mathematical Analysis, Probability Senate Faculty

Numerical analysis, optimization, Monte Carlo methods

Shivaram Lingamneni Graduate Student
Zeyu Liu Simons Fellow and Unit 18 Lecturer Algebra Instructor, Visitor, Faculty

p-Adic geometry and p-adic Hodge theory.

Rose Lopez Algebra, Geometry/Topology Graduate Student
John Lott Professor Geometry/Topology Senate Faculty

Differential geometry, geometric analysis

Yixiang Luo Graduate Student