Full listing of all department members

Background image: Full listing of all department members
Name Job title Research area Role Research interests
Tianrui Xu Mathematical Analysis, Applied Mathematics, Probability Graduate Student
Mengxuan Yang Morrey Visiting Assistant Professor Mathematical Analysis Morrey Visiting Assistant Professor, Faculty

Partial Differential Equations, Spectral Theory, Mathematical Physics

Enoch Yiu Graduate Student
Dongxiao Yu Postdoctoral Scholar Mathematical Analysis Faculty, Postdoc

Partial differential equations, nonlinear wave and dispersive equations

Grace Zdeblick Graduate Student
Junsheng Zhang Geometry/Topology Graduate Student
Ruixiang Zhang Assistant Professor Mathematical Analysis, Algebra Senate Faculty

Harmonic analysis, analytic number theory, additive combinatorics

Jason Zhao Mathematical Analysis Graduate Student

I study global regularity and wellposedness for the American Burgers equation.

Keshu Zhou Geometry/Topology Graduate Student

Gauge theory and special holonomy

Peng Zhou Postdoc Geometry/Topology, Mathematical Analysis Faculty, Postdoc

Mathematical physics, mirror symmetry, semiclassical analysis

Willow Ziehr Graduate Student
Maciej Zworski Professor Mathematical Analysis, Applied Mathematics Senate Faculty

Partial differential equations, Mathematical physics

Sunčica Čanić Professor Applied Mathematics Senate Faculty

Applied mathematics, partial differential equations, computational methods, biomedical research