Full listing of all department members

Background image: Full listing of all department members
Name Job title Research area Role Research interests
Olivine Silier Mathematical Analysis Graduate Student
Shoshana Simons Mathematical Logic Graduate Student
Theodore A. Slaman Professor Emeritus Mathematical Logic Emeritus Faculty, Senate Faculty

Recursion theory, mathematical logic

Stephen Smale Professor Emeritus Applied Mathematics Emeritus Faculty, Senate Faculty

Algorithms, Numerical analysis, Global analysis

Marsha Snow Undergraduate Advisor Staff
Robert M. Solovay Professor Emeritus Mathematical Logic Emeritus Faculty, Senate Faculty

Mathematical Logic

Nikhil Srivastava Associate Professor Applied Mathematics, Mathematical Analysis, Probability Senate Faculty

Theoretical computer science, random matrices, geometry of polynomials

Joseph Stahl Algebra Graduate Student
Zvezdelina Stankova Teaching Professor & Director, Berkeley Math Circle Algebra Senate Faculty

Algebraic geometry, representation theory, combinatorics, Olympiad problem solving, Berkeley Math Circle

John R. Steel Professor Emeritus Mathematical Logic Emeritus Faculty, Senate Faculty

Set theory, Descriptive set theory, Fine structure

Zachary Stier Graduate Student
John Strain Professor Emeritus Applied Mathematics, Mathematical Analysis Emeritus Faculty, Senate Faculty

Applied mathematics, Numerical analysis, Fast algorithms, Materials science

Kevin Stubbs Postdoc-Employee Applied Mathematics Faculty, Postdoc

Numerical analysis; Quantum chemistry; Quantum information theory

Bernd Sturmfels Professor Emeritus Algebra, Applied Mathematics Emeritus Faculty, Senate Faculty

Algebraic Geometry, Combinatorics, Optimization and Statistics

Brian Sun Graduate Student
Song Sun Professor Geometry/Topology Senate Faculty

Differential geometry, Complex geometry, Geometric analysis

Svala Sverrisdóttir Graduate Student
Yuki Takahashi Mathematical Logic Graduate Student
Jiazhen Tan Algebra, Mathematical Analysis Graduate Student
Dun Tang Geometry/Topology Graduate Student