Job title:
Professor Emeritus
Research area:
Year Appointed: 1965
Retired: 1994
Selected Publications:
- Demmel, James W. and Marques, Osni A. and Parlett, Beresford N. and Vömel, Christof (2008). Performance and accuracy of LAPACK's symmetric tridiagonal eigensolvers. SIAM J. Sci. Comput. 30 No.3, 1508-1526. [MR] [GS?]
- Parlett, Beresford and Strang, Gilbert (2008). Matrices with prescribed Ritz values. Linear Algebra Appl. 428 No.7, 1725-1739. [MR] [GS?]
- Liesen, Jörg and Parlett, Beresford N. (2008). On nonsymmetric saddle point matrices that allow conjugate gradient iterations. Numer. Math. 108 No.4, 605-624. [MR] [GS?]
- Parlett, Beresford N. (2007). What Hadamard missed. Internat. J. Appl. Sci. Comput. 14 No.3, 116-136. [MR] [GS?]
- Dhillon, Inderjit S. and Parlett, Beresford N. and Vömel, Christof (2006). The design and implementation of the MRRR algorithm. ACM Trans. Math. Software 32 No.4, 533-560. [MR] [GS?]
Research interests:
Numerical analysis, Scientific computation