Senate Faculty

John W. Addison Jr.

Professor Emeritus
Mathematical Logic

Year Appointed: 1962
Retired: 1994

Other Affiliations: Group in Logic and the Methodology of Science

Selected Publications:

J. W. Addison. Éloge: Alfred Tarski: 1901-1983. Ann. Hist. Comput., 6(4):335-336, 1984. William Craig, C. C. Chang, Leon Henkin, John Addison, Dana Scott, and Robert Vaught, editors. Proceedings of the Tarski Symposium, Proceedings of Symposia in Pure Mathematics, XXV, Providence, R.I., 1979...

Mina Aganagic

Applied Mathematics

Year Appointed: 2003

Other Departments: Physics

Selected Publications:

M. Aganagic, Knot Categorification from Mirror Symmetry, Part I: Coherent Sheaves, 2004.14518 M. Aganagic and E. Frenkel and A, Okounkov, Quantum qq-Langlands Correspondence, Trans.Moscow Math.Soc. 79 (2018) 1-83, arXiv: 1701.03146 M. Aganagic and A. Okounkov,...

Ian Agol



BS Mathematics, Caltech, 1992

Ph.D. Mathematics, UC San Diego, 1998. Advisor Michael Hartley Freedman

Year Appointed: 2006

Selected Publications:

Agol, Ian(1-CA);...

David Aldous

Professor Emeritus
Applied Mathematics

Year appointed: 1979

Retired: 2018

Other Departments: Statistics

Selected Publications:

D.J. Aldous and K. Ganesan (2013). True scale-invariant random spatial networks. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA D.J. Aldous (2013). Interacting Particle Systems as Stochastic Social Dynamics. Bernoulli 19 1122--1149. D.J. Aldous and M. Shkolnikov (2013). Fluctuations of martingales and winning probabilities of game contestants. ...

Robert M. Anderson

Distinguished Professor Emeritus
Applied Mathematics
Year appointed: 1983 Retired: 2013 Other Affiliations: Department of Economics, Group in Logic and the Methodology of Science, Center for Risk Management Research Selected Publications: Anderson, Robert M. and Raimondo, Roberto C. (2008). Equilibrium in continuous-time financial markets: endogenously dynamically complete markets....

Richard Bamler

Associate Professor

Year appointed: 2014

George M. Bergman

Professor Emeritus, Professor of the Graduate School
Mathematical Logic
Year appointed: 1967 Year retired: 2009 Selected Publications: George M. Bergman (2023), An elementary result on infinite and finite direct sums of modules, Journal of Algebra, 631 (2023) 731-737. [pdf] [MR] [arXiv] George M. Bergman (2019), Some results...

Richard E. Borcherds


Year Appointed: 1993

Selected Publications:

Borcherds, Richard E. (2001). Quantum vertex algebras. In Taniguchi Conference on Mathematics Nara '98 Adv. Stud. Pure Math. 31 51-74 Math. Soc. Japan Tokyo. [MR] [GS?] Borcherds, Richard E. (2001)...

Robert Bryant

Professor Emeritus

Year appointed: 2007
Retired: 2013

Selected Publications: Bryant, Robert L. and Manno, Gianni and Matveev, Vladimir S. (2008). A solution of a problem of Sophus Lie: normal forms of two-dimensional metrics admitting two projective vector fields. Math. Ann. 340 No.2, 437-463. [MR] [...

Sunčica Čanić

Applied Mathematics

Year appointed: 2018

Selected Publications: B. Muha and S. Canic. Existence of a weak solution to a nonlinear fluid-structure interaction problem modeling the flow of an incompressible, viscous fluid in a cylinder with deformable walls. Archives for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 207(3), 919-968, 2013. B. Muha, S. Canic. Existence of a solution to a fluid-multi-layered-structure interaction problem. Journal of Differential Equations 256, 658-706, 2014. M. Bukac, S. Canic, B. Muha. A partitioned scheme for fluid-composite structure...