Full listing of all department members

Background image: Full listing of all department members
Name Job title Research area Role Research interests
Katrina Biele Graduate Student
Emma Boniface Mathematical Logic Graduate Student
Richard E. Borcherds Professor Algebra Senate Faculty

Lie algebras, Vertex algebras, Automorphic forms

Felix Brandt Postdoctoral Fellow Mathematical Analysis, Applied Mathematics Faculty, Postdoc

Applied analysis, nonlinear PDEs, fluid-structure interaction, geophysical flows.

Aaron Brookner Algebra, Geometry/Topology Graduate Student

Representation theory; quantum groups

Garrett Brown Mathematical Analysis, Geometry/Topology Graduate Student

My interests are in differential geometry and geometric analysis, usually within complex geometry

Jordan Brown Mathematical Logic Graduate Student
Thomas Brown Lead Undergraduate Advisor Staff
Thomas Browning Algebra Graduate Student
Robert Bryant Professor Emeritus Geometry/Topology Emeritus Faculty, Senate Faculty

Nonlinear partial differential equations and differential geometry, exterior differential systems, algebraic geometry, and Finsler geometry

Alex Burka Mathematical Logic Graduate Student
Will Cai Graduate Student
Clay Calder Graduate Advisor Staff
Catherine K. A. Cannizzo Postdoctoral Scholar Geometry/Topology Faculty, Postdoc

Symplectic geometry, homological mirror symmetry, Fukaya categories of Landau-Ginzburg models

David Casey Graduate Student
Marvin Castellon Graduate Student
Alois Cerbu Graduate Student
Jennifer Chayes Professor Applied Mathematics, Probability Senate Faculty

Probability theory, graph theory, graphons, mathematical statistical physics, and machine learning

Dennis Chen Algebra, Geometry/Topology Graduate Student

I'm interested in deformation theory, homotopy theory, and higher category theory. 

Fangu Chen Graduate Student