Past PhD Students

The first author is the past PhD student. The second author is the official advisor.

Title Author Year Publication type
Singular Morphisms, Smoothness and Lifting Lemmas Harvey Jess Stein; Robert F. Coleman 1991 PhD Thesis (Author field refers to student + advisor)
Motion of Level Sets and of Varifolds by Mean Curvature Tom Ilmanen; L. Craig Evans 1991 PhD Thesis (Author field refers to student + advisor)
Unitary Highest Weight Representations of Certain Infinite-Dimensional Lie Groups and Lie Algebras Loki Natarajan; Joseph A. Wolf 1991 PhD Thesis (Author field refers to student + advisor)
The Lengths of Propositional Proofs and the Deduction Rule Maria Luisa Bonet; Leo Anthony Harrington 1991 PhD Thesis (Author field refers to student + advisor)
On Finitely Decidable Varieties Joohee Jeong; Ralph McKenzie 1991 PhD Thesis (Author field refers to student + advisor)
Non Self-Dual Yang-Mills Fields Gil Bor; Jerrold E. Marsden 1991 PhD Thesis (Author field refers to student + advisor)
Conditionalization and Rational Belief Change Susan Nicolet Vineberg; Ernst W. Adams 1991 PhD Thesis (Author field refers to student + advisor)
Examples of Different 3-Manifolds with the Same Invariants of Witten and Reshetikhin-Turaev Joanna Kania-Bartoszynska; Robion Kirby 1991 PhD Thesis (Author field refers to student + advisor)
Automorphisms of Radical Convolution Algebras Mladen Despic; William George Bade 1991 PhD Thesis (Author field refers to student + advisor)
Chromatic Framed Link Invariants and Cabling William Erik Baxter; Vaughan F. Jones 1991 PhD Thesis (Author field refers to student + advisor)
Stability Analysis of Some Root-Free QR Algorithms for Symmetric Tridiagonal Matrices Yin Sun Feng; Beresford N. Parlett 1991 PhD Thesis (Author field refers to student + advisor)
The Lefschetz Trace Formula for the Moduli Stack in Principal Bundles Kai Achim Behrend; Arthur E. Ogus 1991 PhD Thesis (Author field refers to student + advisor)
Sets of reals and countable support iteration Martin Robert Goldstern; Jack H. Silver 1991 PhD Thesis (Author field refers to student + advisor)
Quasicentral Approximate Units relative to Normed Ideals for the Discrete Heisenberg Group David Patrick Bernier; Dan-Virgil Voiculescu 1991 PhD Thesis (Author field refers to student + advisor)
Large Soap Bubbles and Isoperimetric Regions in the Product of Euclidean Space with a Closed Manifold Jesus Gonzalo; Wu-Yi Hsiang 1991 PhD Thesis (Author field refers to student + advisor)
The Algebraic Methods in Circuit Complexity Roman L. Smolensky; John L. Rhodes 1991 PhD Thesis (Author field refers to student + advisor)
Two Axially Symmetric Coupled Rigid Bodies: Relative Equilibria Stability, Bifurcations, and a Momentum Preserving Symplectic Integrator George William Patrick; Jerrold E. Marsden 1991 PhD Thesis (Author field refers to student + advisor)
Vector Bundles on Algebraic Curves Iwona Maria Grzegorczyk; Shoshichi Kobayashi 1990 PhD Thesis (Author field refers to student + advisor)
An Analytical Test for Chaos Alton Raymond Brown; Morris W. Hirsch 1990 PhD Thesis (Author field refers to student + advisor)
Lattice of Sets Recursively Enumerable in an Oracle John Todd Hammond; Robert Lawson Vaught 1990 PhD Thesis (Author field refers to student + advisor)