Past PhD Students

The first author is the past PhD student. The second author is the official advisor.

Title Author Year Publication type
Loop Group Actions on Categories and Whitaker Invariants Dario Beraldo; Constantin Teleman 2013 PhD Thesis (Author field refers to student + advisor)
PhaseLift: A Novel Methodology for Phase Retrieval Vladislav Voroninski; John Strain; Emmanuel Candes 2013 PhD Thesis (Author field refers to student + advisor)
Weak Lowness Notions for Kolmogorov Complexity Ian Herbert; Theodore A. Slaman 2013 PhD Thesis (Author field refers to student + advisor)
Supersymmetric sigma models, partition functions, and the Chern-Gauss-Bonnet Theorem Daniel Berwick Evans; Peter Teichner 2013 PhD Thesis (Author field refers to student + advisor)
Modularity of residually reducible Galois representations and Eisenstein ideals Hwajong Yoo; Kenneth A. Ribet 2013 PhD Thesis (Author field refers to student + advisor)
Reconstruction Algorithms for X-Ray Nanocrystallography via Solution of the Twinning Problem Jeffrey Donatelli; James A. Sethian 2013 PhD Thesis (Author field refers to student + advisor)
Generic Reduction, and Work with Partial Computations and Partial Oracles Gregory Igusa; Theodore A. Slaman 2013 PhD Thesis (Author field refers to student + advisor)
Resonances in General Relativity Semyon Dyatlov; Maciej Zworski 2013 PhD Thesis (Author field refers to student + advisor)
Perturbative Methods in Path Integration Theodore Johnson-Freyd; Nicolai Reshetikhin 2013 PhD Thesis (Author field refers to student + advisor)
The Carlson-Simpson Lemma in Reverse Mathematics Julia Erhard; Theodore A. Slaman 2013 PhD Thesis (Author field refers to student + advisor)
Smooth Interface Reconstruction from Volume Fraction Data Using Variational Techniques and Level Set Methods Michaeel Kazi; James A. Sethian 2013 PhD Thesis (Author field refers to student + advisor)
Well-posedness of the Three-form Field Equation and the Minimal Surface Equation in Minkowski Space Boris Ettinger; Daniel Tataru 2013 PhD Thesis (Author field refers to student + advisor)
High-Order Discontinuous Galerkin Fluid-Structure Interaction Methods Bradley Froehle; Per-Olof Persson; Jon Wilkening 2013 PhD Thesis (Author field refers to student + advisor)
The Representation Theory of the Exceptional Lie Superalgebras F(4) and G(3) Lilit Martirosyan; Vera Serganova 2013 PhD Thesis (Author field refers to student + advisor)
Inverse Limit Reflection and the Structure of L(Vλ+1) Scott Cramer; W. Hugh Woodin 2013 PhD Thesis (Author field refers to student + advisor)
Operators on k-tableaux and the k-Littlewood-Richardson rule for a special case Sarah Iveson; Mark D. Haiman 2012 PhD Thesis (Author field refers to student + advisor)
Some New Methods for Hamilton-Jacobi Type Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations Nam Trang; John R. Steel 2012 PhD Thesis (Author field refers to student + advisor)
Two Studies of Topological Quantum Field Theory in Two Dimensions Haijian Kevin Lin; Constantin Teleman 2012 PhD Thesis (Author field refers to student + advisor)
Tropical Linear Spaces and Applications Edgard Rincon; Olga Holtz; Bernd Sturmfels 2012 PhD Thesis (Author field refers to student + advisor)
The Hecke Stability Method and Ethereal Forms George Schaeffer 2012 PhD Thesis (Author field refers to student + advisor)