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Blackwell, David

Blackwell, David

Chern, Shiing-Shen (1968)

Chern, Shiing-Shen

DiPerna, Ronald (1985)

DiPerna, Ronald

Fary, Istvan (1968)

Fary, Istvan

Gale, David (1998)

Gale, David

Hochschild, Gerhard P. (1968)

Hochschild, Gerhard P.

Kelley, John (1968)

Kelley, John

Lehmer, Derrick H. (1968)

Lehmer, Derrick H. 

Marsden, Jerrold (1978)

Marsden, Jerrold

Pinney, Edmund (1990)

Pinney, Edmund

Robinson, Raphael (1990)

Robinson, Raphael

Spanier, Edwin (1973)

Spanier, Edwin

Taub, Abraham (1983)

Taub, Abraham

Vaught, Robert (1974)

Vaught, Robert

Bowen, Robert (Rufus) E.

Bowen, Robert (Rufus)

Debreu, Gerard

Debreu, Gerard

Dubins, Lester E. (1984)

Dubins, Lester E.

Floer, Andreas (1976)

Floer, Andreas

Helson, Henry (1984)

Helson, Henry

Kaplansky, Irving (1998)

Kaplansky, Irving

Kiefer, Jack (1979)

Kiefer, Jack

Lewy, Hans (1975)

Lewy, Hans

Morrey, Charles B., Jr. (1968)

Morrey, Charles B., Jr. 

Protter, Murray (1968)

Protter, Murray

Rosenlicht, Maxwell (1979)

Rosenlicht, Maxwell

Stallings, John R. (1968)

Stallings, John R.

Taylor, Angus E. (1988)

Taylor, Angus E.

Wolf, Frantisek (1968)

Wolf, Frantisek

Bremermann, Hans (1972)

Bremermann, Hans

DeVogelaere, Rene (1985)

DeVogelaere, Rene

Evans, Griffith (1968)

Evans, Griffith

Foster, Alfred (1974)

Foster, Alfred

Henkin, Leon (1995)

Henkin, Leon

Kato, Tosio (1968)

Kato, Tosio

Le Cam, Lucien (1997)

Le Cam, Lucien

Loeve, Michel (1975)

Loeve, Michel

Morse, Anthony P. (1968)

Morse, Anthony P. 

Robinson, Julia (1975)

Robinson, Julia

Seidenberg, Abraham (1974)

Seidenberg, Abraham

Tarski, Alfred (1968)

Tarski, Alfred

Thomas, P. Emery (1993)

Thomas, P. Emery