James W. Demmel

Job title: 
Research area: 
Selected Publications: 
  1. Nie, Jiawang and Demmel, James (2008). Sparse SOS relaxations for minimizing functions that are summations of small polynomials. SIAM J. Optim. 19 No.4, 1534-1558. [MR] [GS?]
  2. Howell, Gary W. and Demmel, James W. and Fulton, Charles T. and Hammarling, Sven and Marmol, Karen (2008). Cache efficient bidiagonalization using BLAS 2.5 operators. ACM Trans. Math. Software 34 No.3, Art. 14, 33. [MR] [GS?]
  3. Demmel, James and Dumitriu, Ioana and Holtz, Olga and Koev, Plamen (2008). Accurate and efficient expression evaluation and linear algebra. Acta Numer. 17 87-145. [MR] [GS?]
  4. Demmel, James W. and Marques, Osni A. and Parlett, Beresford N. and Vömel, Christof (2008). Performance and accuracy of LAPACK's symmetric tridiagonal eigensolvers. SIAM J. Sci. Comput. 30 No.3, 1508-1526. [MR] [GS?]
  5. Bindel, David and Demmel, James and Friedman, Mark (2008). Continuation of invariant subspaces in large bifurcation problems. SIAM J. Sci. Comput. 30 No.2, 637-656. [MR] [GS?]
Research interests: 

Numerical analysis, parallel computing


(510) 643-5386
831 Evans Hall & 564 Soda Hall

Supervised Dissertations

Jiawang Nie; James W. Demmel; Bernd Sturmfels
PhD Thesis (Author field refers to student + advisor), 2005
Plamen Koev; James W. Demmel
PhD Thesis (Author field refers to student + advisor), 2002
Daniel Shawcross Wilkerson; James W. Demmel; Abhiram Ranade
PhD Thesis (Author field refers to student + advisor), 1998
Huan Ren; James W. Demmel
PhD Thesis (Author field refers to student + advisor), 1996