At the bottom of this page is a list of downloadable PDF files of the available abstracts of the Spring 2005 Colloquium talks.
Spring 2005
Date | Speaker | Title |
January 21 | John Lott, University of Michigan and UC Berkeley | Curvature of metric spaces via optimal transport |
January 27 | William Stein, Harvard University | Visibility of Shafarevich-Tate groups of modular Abelian varieties at higher level |
February 3 | Charles Fefferman, Princeton University | DiPerna Lecture: Whitney's extension problem and its variants |
February 10 | Sara Billey, University of Washington | Intersecting Schubert varieties |
February 17 | Elena Mantovan, UC Berkeley | Langland's conjectures and Shimura varieties |
February 24 | Dima Arinkin, University of Chicago | Connections with a small parameter and spectral curves |
March 3 | Tanya Christiansen, University of Missouri | Resonances and Schroedinger operators |
March 10 | Richard Borcherds, UC Berkeley | Renormalization for poets |
March 17 | Eric Vanden-Eijnden, Courant Institute | Metastability in complex systems: Reaction coordinate, free energy, and rates |
March 31 | Robin Graham, University of Washington | Dirichlet-to-Neumann map for Poincare-Einstein metrics |
April 7 | Elon Lindenstrauss, Princeton University | Arithmetic quantum unique ergodicity and the classification of invariant measures |
April 14 | Steven Krantz, Washington University | The dimensions of automorphism groups |
April 21 | Lisa Goldberg, BARRA | Variations on a theme of Paul-Andre Meyer |
April 28 | Mina Aganagic, UC Berkeley | Geometry and string duality |
May 5 | Zoltan Szabo, Princeton University | Heegaard diagrams and holomorphic disks |
The colloquium meets Thursdays at 4:10PM in 60 Evans Hall. Lectures last 50 minutes and are followed by a short question period. The mathematical public is cordially invited to attend.
Maciej Zworski, Colloquium chair