Effective Fall 2025, the Department of Mathematics is adopting new course numbering: Math 32 becomes Math 3; Math 1A becomes Math 51, and Math 1B becomes Math 52.
Job title: Morrey Visiting Assistant Professor
Research areas: Mathematical Analysis, Applied Mathematics
Research interests: Partial differential equations: nonlinear waves, fluid dynamics, general relativity
Email: fpasqualotto@ucsd.edu
JOB TITLE: Morrey Visiting Assistant Professor
RESEARCH AREAS: Mathematical analysis, Geometry/Topology
RESEARCH INTERESTS: Microlocal analysis, geometric scattering, general relativity, geometric inverse problemsPersonal webpage
PhD students
RESEARCH AREA: Mathematical Analysis
RESEARCH INTERESTS: Nonlinear dispersive wave equations
Email: colliand@gmail.com Personal webpage
RESEARCH INTERESTS: Model theory, homology groups of type
Personal website
RESEARCH AREAS: Algebra, Mathematical analysis, Applied mathematics
RESEARCH INTERESTS: Representation theory, algebraic geometry, homological algebra, mathematical physics
Email: berest@math.cornell.edu Personal webpage
RESEARCH AREAS: Algebra, Geometry/Topology
RESEARCH INTERESTS: Geometric group theory
Email: jtaback@bowdoin.edu Personal webpage
JOB TITLE: Morrey Assistant Professor
RESEARCH INTERESTS: Representation theory, categorification, low-dimensional topology
RESEARCH INTERESTS: Algebraic combinatorics, discrete mathematics
RESEARCH INTERESTS: Calculus of variations, nonlinear partial differential equations, geometric analysis, applied analysis