Effective Fall 2025, the Department of Mathematics is adopting new course numbering: Math 32 becomes Math 3; Math 1A becomes Math 51, and Math 1B becomes Math 52.
JOB TITLE: NSF Postdoctoral Scholar
RESEARCH INTERESTS: Algebraic and geometric combinatorics
Email: avindasmelendez@g.hmc.edu
JOB TITLE: NSF Postdoctoral Fellow
RESEARCH AREA: Probability
RESEARCH INTERESTS: Probability theory, mathematical physics
JOB TITLE: NSF Postdoctoral Scholar & Unit 18 Lecturer
Job Title: Simons Postdoctoral Scholar (2014-2017), Miller Professor (2023-2024)
Research Area: Mathematical Analysis
Research Interests: Nonlinear partial differential equations, fluid dynamics, harmonic analysis
Email: ifrim@wisc.edu
Website: https://people.math.wisc.edu/~ifrim/
Job title: Postdoctoral Scholar
Research Areas: Algebra, Geometry/Topology, Applied Mathematics
Research Interests: Mathematical physics, quantum topology, applied category theory, quantum computation
Email: colleend@purdue.edu
Job TItle: Postdoctoral Scholar
Research Interests: Partial differential equations, nonlinear wave and dispersive equations
Email: yudx@math.berkeley.edu
Webpage: https://math.berkeley.edu/~yudx/
TITLE: Postdoctoral Scholar
RESEARCH AREA: Mathematical Logic
RESEARCH INTERESTS: Computability theory
JOB TITLE: Simons Fellow
RESEARCH AREA: Applied Mathematics
RESEARCH INTERESTS: Quantum many-body problems, computational quantum chemistry
JOB TITLE: Postdoctoral Fellow
RESEARCH AREA: Algebra, Applied Mathematics
RESEARCH INTERESTS: Mathematical physics, representation theory
TITLE: Unit 18 Lecturer
RESEARCH AREA: Algebra, Mathematical Analysis
RESEARCH INTERESTS: Nonlinear Programming, Frobenius Numbers