Full listing of all department members

Background image: Full listing of all department members
Name Job title Research area Role Research interests
Mihaela Ifrim Miller Professor Mathematical Analysis Faculty, Postdoc

Nonlinear partial differential equations, fluid dynamics, harmonic analysis

Rohil Prasad Miller Research Fellow Geometry/Topology, Mathematical Analysis Faculty, Postdoc

Conservative dynamics; pseudoholomorphic curves; Floer theory

Forte Shinko Postdoctoral Scholar Mathematical Logic, Mathematical Analysis, Geometry/Topology Faculty, Postdoc

Descriptive set theory, topological and measurable dynamics, geometric group theory

Dongxiao Yu Postdoctoral Scholar Mathematical Analysis Faculty, Postdoc

Partial differential equations, nonlinear wave and dispersive equations

Peng Zhou Postdoc Geometry/Topology, Mathematical Analysis Faculty, Postdoc

Mathematical physics, mirror symmetry, semiclassical analysis