Full listing of all department members

Background image: Full listing of all department members
Job title: Postdoc
Research area: Applied Mathematics
Role: Faculty, Postdoc
Research interests:

Smooth, nonsmooth, and decentralized optimization; Federated learning; Machine learning; Signal processing


Jiaqi Leng

Job title: Simons Quantum Postdoctoral Fellow
Research area: Applied Mathematics
Role: Faculty, Postdoc
Research interests:

Quantum algorithms for optimization and scientific computing.

Job title: NSF Postdoctoral Fellow
Research area: Applied Mathematics
Role: Faculty, Postdoc
Research interests:

Numerical analysis, (randomized) numerical linear algebra, scientific computing.


Kevin Stubbs

Job title: Postdoc-Employee
Research area: Applied Mathematics
Role: Faculty, Postdoc
Research interests:

Numerical analysis; Quantum chemistry; Quantum information theory