Full listing of all department members

Background image: Full listing of all department members
Name Job title Research area Role Research interests
Ainsley Clark Applied Mathematics Graduate Student
Brian Cruz Applied Mathematics, Probability Graduate Student
Amy Dai Applied Mathematics, Probability Graduate Student
Isabel Detherage Mathematical Analysis, Applied Mathematics Graduate Student
Jacob Elafandi Applied Mathematics Graduate Student
Yuchen Fang Applied Mathematics Graduate Student
Yujie Fu Mathematical Analysis, Applied Mathematics, Probability Graduate Student
Gil Goldshlager Applied Mathematics Graduate Student
Michael Heinz Applied Mathematics Graduate Student
Erik Herrera Applied Mathematics, Geometry/Topology Graduate Student
Max Hirsch Applied Mathematics Graduate Student
Zhen Huang Mathematical Analysis, Applied Mathematics Graduate Student
Hugh Kadhem Mathematical Analysis, Applied Mathematics, Geometry/Topology Graduate Student
Michael Kielstra Applied Mathematics Graduate Student
Raehyun Kim Applied Mathematics Graduate Student
Shilun Li Applied Mathematics Graduate Student

Coding Theory, Complexity Theory, Automated Theorem Proving

Zack McNulty Applied Mathematics, Probability Graduate Student
Arnold Mong Applied Mathematics Graduate Student
Lewis Pan Applied Mathematics Graduate Student
Tom Schang Mathematical Analysis, Applied Mathematics Graduate Student

I am studying applied nonlinear PDE, with a particular interest in turbulence arising from NS and MHD equations.