Effective Fall 2025, the Department of Mathematics is adopting new course numbering: Math 32 becomes Math 3; Math 1A becomes Math 51, and Math 1B becomes Math 52.
We are excited to announce that the IEEE History Committee has voted to award an IEEE Milestone Plaque for the development of the Intel 8087 floating point coprocessor to our own Professor Emeritus William "Velvel" Kahan, who was the main designer of the 8087’s data types and arithmetic. This...Read more about Congratulations to Professor William "Velvel" Kahan for reciept of an IEEE Milestone Plaque for the development of the Intel 8087 floating point coprocessor
You may visit Q.R. Exam page for more information about requirements and resources.Read more about Fall 2021 Quantitative Reasoning Exam will be held Wed. Aug. 25th from 5-6:30PM in 939 Evans Hall