Math 110—Linear Algebra—Spring 2012

Professor: Mark Haiman

Professor Haiman's Office Hours: W 10:30am-12:30pm, 855 Evans Hall. RRR Week: W-Th 11-12.

GSI Information

Lectures: TuTh 2-3:30pm, 10 Evans Hall

Discussion Sections: Wednesdays, see Schedule

Course Control Number: 54242


Math 54 or equivalent preparation in linear algebra at the lower division level. Some prior experience with mathematical reasoning and proofs, for example Math 55, is also helpful.

Required Text

Sheldon Axler, Linear Algebra Done Right, Springer, 2nd edition (1997).

Grading policy

Grades based on homework (20%), final exam (40%) and two midterm exams (20% each).

Incomplete grades are rarely given, and only in documented cases of illness or serious personal or family emergency. A grade of Incomplete for missing work can only be given if you having passing grades on your other work.


For assignments and due dates, see Reading and Homework Assignments, below.

Each assignment will consist of a number of Exercises, relatively straightforward problems which will not be graded, and a smaller number (from 1 to 3) of Problems, which will be graded. You do not have to hand in the Exercises, but you should nevertheless do them carefully, both to check your understanding of the material and as preparation for the Problems and for exams. Generally speaking, exam questions will be similar to the Exercises or some of the less difficult Problems.

You are free to discuss ideas on how to solve the Problems with other students. However, you must write your solutions independently. It is not permissible to copy solutions worked out in a group, or from students who took the class before, or found on the web.

No late or make-up homework will be accepted. When calculating grades, we will drop two scores and use only your best scores remaining.


Two midterm exams during lecture hour:

Final Exam Monday, May 7, 11:30-2:30pm (Exam Group 2), Room 1 Pimentel Hall.

At midterm exams you may bring one (ordinary size) sheet of notes, written on both sides. Two sheets are allowed for the final exam. No other books, calculators, computers or other aids may be used. Space to write answers will be provided on the exam paper, but you should bring your own scratch paper.

No make-up exams will be given. If you miss one midterm, your score on the following exam will count for that midterm. However, you cannot "miss" a midterm retroactively after turning in your exam. If you miss the final or both midterms, see the discussion of Incomplete grades under Grading Policy, above.


Reading and Homework Assignments

Homework problems will be due on Fridays by 3pm at your GSI's office or mailbox: please follow your individual GSI's instructions as to where to turn it in. Note that in the mail room, the mailbox is below the name label. This has caused some confusion since Daub, Degany and DeIonno are all in the same column of mailboxes.

Useful Links

Prof. George Bergman has written some Notes on sets, logic, and mathematical language, which you may find helpful in reading, writing and understanding some of the definitions and proofs in this course.
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