Welcome to Abstract algebra (Spring 2019)! Please take a look at the syllabus.
Some resources for the exam.Here are section-by-section notes on Fraleigh by Kelli Talaska. We covered up through section 27.
Here is her practice exam. Here are solutions. Look at problems 1 (skip g), 2 (you might want to look at the solution), 3 (skip c), 4 (skip h, i, j, k), 5, 8, 9; try 7.
Here is a practice exam by Alexander Paulin. NOTES:
Here are solutions to the big quiz (number 4).
Here are solutions to the midterm.
Here are solutions to quiz 1.
Here are solutions to homework 1.
For the first several lectures we will be reading Alexander Paulin's notes. After that, we will follow the 7th edition of Fraleigh's "A first course in Abstract Algebra".
Date | Chapters | Notes |
1/31 | Ch. 1, 2 of Paulin | |
2/5 | Sections 0-3 of Fraleigh | |
2/7 | Sections 4-5 of Fraleigh | |
2/12 | Quiz: re-read notes and section 0 of Fraleigh; set terminology. | |
2/14 | Sections 6 and 8 of Fraleigh | Skipping section 7 (not used in rest of class) |
2/21 | Section 8 of Fraleigh | |
2/26 | Sections 9 and 10 of Fraleigh | |
3/5 | Re-read section 10, prepare for quiz on cosets | |
3/12 | Sections 11, 13 of Fraleigh | Skipping section 12 |
3/19 | Sections 14, 15 of Fraleigh | |
4/9 | Sections 18, 19 of Fraleigh | |
4/23 | Sections 20, 22, 23 of Fraleigh | Skipping 21 |
4/30 | Sections 26, 27 of Fraleigh | Skipping 24, 25 |
5/2 | Reviewing 26-27. Try reading section 28 | Section 28 is not on the test, but it's a good explanation of "next steps" of the algebra of polynomials and commutative rings (related to algebraic geometry) |
Homework 1, due 1/29 at the beginning of classLaTeX code
Homework 2, due 2/5 at the beginning of class LaTeX code
Homework 3, due 2/12 at the beginning of class LaTeX code Selected solutions Solutions LaTeX code
Homework 4, due 2/19 at the beginning of class LaTeX code Selected solutionsHomework 5, due 2/26 at the beginning of class LaTeX code
Homework 6, due 3/5 at the beginning of class LaTeX code
Homework 7, due 3/12 at the beginning of class LaTeX code
Homework 8, due 3/19 at the beginning of class LaTeX code
Homework 9, due 4/2 at the beginning of class No late submissions LaTeX code
Homework 10, due 4/9 at the beginning of class LaTeX code
Homework 13, due
LaTeX homework templates: tex and pdf .