Math 115 - Introduction to Number Theory

InstructorPaul Vojta
LecturesTuTh 9:40–11:00 am, Wheeler 102
Class Number 24103
Office883 Evans
Office Hours Up to and including RRR Week: TuTh 11:30–1:00, excluding University holidays.
During Finals Week: To be announced.
PrerequisitesMath 55 is recommended
Required TextNiven, Zuckerman, Montgomery, An introduction to the theory of numbers, Wiley, 5th edition

Here are some links that you may find useful if you do not have the most recent printing of the textbook.

The textbook is available for loan from our library. Here is the link for the book in UC Library Search. From there, you can view it online, using UC BEARS (note: there are many restrictions).
Catalog Description Divisibility, congruences, numerical functions, theory of primes. Topics selected: Diophantine analysis, continued fractions, partitions, quadratic fields, asymptotic distributions, additive problems.
Syllabus The following parts of the book are planned to be covered:

Chapter 1 - Divisibility
All sections

Chapter 2 - Congruences
Through the first two paragraphs of Section 2.9.

Chapter 3 - Quadratic Reciprocity and Quadratic Forms
All except Section 3.6 and pages 174–175.

Chapter 4 - Some Functions of Number Theory
Sections 4.1 through 4.3.

Chapter 7 - Simple Continued Fractions
Sections 7.1–7.5 and 7.7–7.8.

GradingGrading will be based on:
30%Homework Assigned weekly
15%First midterm Tuesday, October 89:40–11:00 am PT
20%Second midterm Thursday, November 149:40–11:00 am PT
35%Final exam Tuesday, December 17 3:00–6:00 pm PT

All exams (including the final) will be held in our regular classroom (Wheeler 102) unless otherwise announced.

HomeworkAssigned weekly, generally due on bCourses at 11:59 pm on Thursdays. Assignments are given below. Solutions will be posted on bCourses.
Resiliency Plans If necessary (e.g., because of pandemic conditions or poor air quality), we may switch to holding class via Zoom. If this becomes necessary, details (including the meeting link) will be announced on bCourses.

Homework Assignments

General rules on homework assignments are:

Homework assignments are due on bCourses on the days indicated below. The lowest three homework scores will be dropped (note that homework scores include two additional scores from clickers—see the section on Clickers, below).

No. Due Section Problems Comments
19/9 1.21c, 2, 3d,e, 14, 19, 21, 26 For 3d and 3e, use a method that would be still be practical if the coefficients were replaced by much larger numbers.
For 19, assume that the set is finite and has at least two elements.
29/16 1.243 Do not use prime factorizations when solving this one.
You may assume that a, b, and c are nonzero.
1.36, 14, 16, 19, 20 The book often writes (b,c) in place of gcd(b,c).
1.42, 4, 6, 9
39/23 2.12, 6, 8, 12, 18, 20, 27, 40, 44, 51, 59 In 18, p is prime.
2.26, 8, 9, 14 Exercise 14 has a hint on page 504 (this is what the notation “(H)” means in the statement of the exercise).
Also, do not use de Polignac's formula (Theorem 4.2) to do Exercise 14. That formula occurs on page 182, and we haven't covered it yet.
49/30 2.34, 7, 14, 16, 17, 20 For #4, use a method that would work with much larger numbers in place of 1, 2, 3 and 3, 4, 5. Also (in #4), when using the Euclidean algorithm, you may just say “Euclidean Algorithm” and leave out the details.
2.46, 9, 10
2.51, 2, 4 For #4 (and for other exercises in the book), the notation “(H)” means that there is a hint in the back of the book (pages 503–511).
2.61, 3 For #3, use Hensel's lemma whenever possible or show that it would not help.
510/9 Download:    dvi    pdf


We will use iClickers in class. You may use the iClicker Cloud app (preferred), or the older physical iClickers.

Physical iClickers can be obtained from the bookstore, or you may be able to buy a used one from another student.


The grades from iClicker use will be incorporated into the homework portion of the course grade.

Clicker grades will be determined as follows. For each class day (other than the first one or two), you will receive one clicker point for participation if you have provided answers (correct or not) to at least 50% of the clicker questions on that day, and one clicker point for correctness if you answer at least one clicker question correctly on that day. These will be reported to bCourses separately, but will be combined for the purposes of the next steps.

I will then drop the lowest three sessions (class days), and then combine that information with the homework scores by creating two ``fake'' assignment scores based on the total clicker scores.

The clicker points are not meant to be a big challenge. The vast majority of students should be receiving two clicker points on every day that they attend. The point of clickers is that students should be monitoring their own understanding of the material (including the reading) as the course progresses.

The clicker grading plan is subject to change.

Course Handouts

No.DateTitle Download
1September 3 Proof of the existence of the greatest-integer function dvi pdf
2September 19 Three types of induction dvi pdf
3September 24 Slides from the lecture of September 24 dvi pdf
4September 26 More complicated congruences dvi pdf
5October 1 The stronger general Hensel's Lemma dvi pdf

Exams (Generally)

Policies for exams are as follows.

One more thing. If you are computing gcd(a,b) or finding x and y such that gcd(a,b)=xa+yb, and if |a|<20 and |b|<20, then you can use any method you want and don't have to include the details. If |a| or |b| is at least 20, though, you are expected to use the Euclidean Algorithm and to show your work.

The two midterms will be given during the normal class hours (9:40–11:00 am), and will be in our normal classroom (Wheeler 102).

Generally, about a week before each exam, a sample exam will be distributed in class and posted on bCourses. This will usually be an exam from an earlier Math 115 class that I've taught. Sample exams should be used to get a general idea of the likely length of an exam and the general nature of questions to be asked (e.g., the balance between computational and more theoretical questions). However, one should not (for example) observe that a sample exam contains questions on material from Sections 1.5, 2.1, 2.7, 3.1, 3.4, etc., and expect to see questions from those sections on the actual exam.

Exams are cumulative, so the second midterm may have questions from material prior to the first midterm. Of course, the final exam will cover the whole course, but will have increased emphasis on the material not covered on the midterms.

Here is a link "How to lose marks on math exams" (by a former GSI Andrew Critch).

The Math Department maintains an archive of old exams (usually without answers). Here is the link for Math 115.

And finally, a word about regrades: Grade calculation errors are welcome for discussion or review. Whether this solution should be worth 4 or 5 points is not.

First Midterm

The first midterm will be given on Tuesday, October 8, from 9:40 to 11:00 am Pacific Time, in our usual classroom (Wheeler 102).

It will cover:

We skipped, and therefore the exam will not cover:

As noted under the heading “Exams (Generally),” this will be a fully closed-book exam.

A sample midterm was distributed in class on October 1, and is available on bCourses. Solutions to the sample midterm will be posted on bCourses late this week.

Last modified 2 October 2024