Math 104: Introduction to Analysis
Summer 2024
2pm-4pm, Dwinelle 182, M-Th
Will Fisher (first name underscore last name AT berkeley DOT edu)
Office: Evans 852
Office Hours: 1-2pm M, 11am-12pm WF
Required textbook:
Walter Rudin, Principles of Mathematical Analysis, 3rd edition.
Course notes:
Notes for the course can be found here. They will be updated over time.
Syllabus can be found here.
Homework assignments:
Homework is due on Gradescope at 11:59pm every Thursday.
- 08/02/24: The final homework (Homework 7) is optional. If you turn it in, it will only be counted if it improves your homework grade average.
- 07/11/24: There will be a substitute lecturer today (July 11th) and office hours are cancelled for Friday (July 12th).
- 06/18/24: The syllabus has been updated. Examinations have been switched to in person format.
- 06/17/24: The first lecture was not recorded. There is some issues with recording scheduling that I hope to have resolved soon, however as a result the first few lectures may not be recorded.