Marc A. Rieffel,
Department of Mathematics,
University of California,
Berkeley, CA 94720-3840,
(510) 642 6550 Fax: (510) 642 8204
The research papers that I have written since around
1995 can be found on the
arXiv .
Click below for PDF files of some of my older papers:
Quantization and C*-algebras,
Contemporary Mathematics 167 (1994) 67-97.
Quantum Groups associated with Toral Subgroups,
Contemporary Mathematics 145 (1993) 465-491.
Some solvable quantum groups,
in Operator Algebras and Topology, Pitman Research Notes 270 (1992) 146-159.
Deformation Quantization and Operator Algebras,
Proceedings of symposia in Pure Mathematics 51 (1990) 411-423.
Non-Commutative Tori - A Case Study of Non-Commutative
Differentiable Manifolds,
Contemporary Mathematics 105 (1990) 191-211.
Proper actions of groups on C*-algebras,
Mappings of operator algebras (Philadelphia 1988),
141-182, Progr. Math. 84, Birkhauser, Boston, MA, 1990.
Projective modules over higher-dimensional non-commutative tori,
Canadian J. Math. 40 (1988), 257-338.
Yang-Mills for noncommutative two-tori (with A. Connes),
Contemporary Mathematics 62 (1987) 237-266.
The homotopy groups of the unitary groups of non-commutative tori,
J. Operator Theory 17 (1987) 237-254.
Nonstable K-theory and non-commutative tori,
Contemporary Mathematics 62 (1987) 267-279.
Connes' analogue for crossed products of the Thom isomorphism,
Contemporary Mathematics 19 (1982) 143-154.
Morita equivalence for operator algebras,
Proceedings of Symposia in Pure Mathematics 38 (1982) Part I, 285-298.
Applications of strong Morita equivalence to transformation
group C*-algebras,
Proceedings of Symposia in Pure Mathematics 38 (1982) Part I, 299-310.
Unitary representations of group extensions; an
algebraic approach to the theory of Mackey and Blattner,
Studies in analysis, pp. 43--82,
Adv. in Math. Suppl. Stud., 4, Academic Press, New York-London, 1979.
Dentable Subsets of Banach Spaces, with Application to
a Radon-Nikodym Theorem,
Proceedings of the Conference on Functional Analysis,
Thompson Book Co. Washington, 1967.
Old lecture notes from a first-year graduate-level course on
measures and integration, that develop the Bochner integral
in an elementary way, can be found here:
Lectures on Bochner-Lebesgue Integration.