AbEdge - Class in ca.cas.multigraph
This is the basic Edge class in the AbGraph
AbEdge(int, AbVertex, AbVertex) - Constructor for class ca.cas.multigraph.AbEdge
Creates a new AbEdge of type type and source and target vertices source and target.
abg - Variable in class ca.cas.control.CExperiment
AbGraph - Class in ca.cas.multigraph
The Aberration Multigraph Class.
AbGraph() - Constructor for class ca.cas.multigraph.AbGraph
AbVertex - Class in ca.cas.multigraph
This is the basic Vertex class in the AbGraph.
AbVertex(int, long, int, Chromosome) - Constructor for class ca.cas.multigraph.AbVertex
add(E) - Method in class ca.cas.nucleus.Genome
add(FPChrom) - Method in class ca.cas.patterns.FinalPattern
Method to add a final pattern chromosome
add(Fragment) - Method in class ca.cas.patterns.FPChrom
adds the fragment to the end of the chromosome
add(int, Fragment) - Method in class ca.cas.patterns.FPChrom
adds the fragment at the specified index.
addBreak(Break) - Method in class ca.cas.multigraph.AbGraph
Adds a break.
addChromosome(Chromosome) - Method in class ca.cas.multigraph.AbGraph
Adds the specified chromosome to the Aberration Multigraph.
addEdge(AbEdge) - Method in class ca.cas.multigraph.AbGraph
Adds an edge to the graph but does not the vertices.
addEdges(Set) - Method in class ca.cas.multigraph.AbGraph
Adds all edges in the edge_set
addEdgesToGraph() - Method in class ca.cas.montecarlo.Misrejoiner
Adds all of the final edges found so far to the AbGraph set by setAbGraph() To ensure that Misrejoiner has finished the process of misrejoining, call getAllFinalEdges() before calling this method or call getAndAddFinalEdges()
addFinalEdge(AbVertex, AbVertex) - Method in class ca.cas.multigraph.AbGraph
Joins v1 to v2 with a final edge and adds that final edge to this AbGraph
addToComponent(AbVertex, Set, int) - Method in class ca.cas.multigraph.AbGraph
Adds vertices connected to vertex to the set component but without going back through the in_edge.
addVertex(AbVertex) - Method in class ca.cas.multigraph.AbGraph
Adds a vertex to the graph but does not add any associated edges.
addVertices(Set) - Method in class ca.cas.multigraph.AbGraph
Adds all vertices in the vertex_set
agglomerate(Fragment, Fragment) - Method in interface ca.cas.painting.Paint
if the two fragments occur in sequence in a final pattern, is the break be cryptic? if not, then the method returns null.
agglomerate(Fragment, Fragment) - Method in class ca.cas.painting.WholeChromPaint
Determines whether the two fragments span a cryptic break.
appearsWhole(FPChrom) - Method in interface ca.cas.painting.Paint
does the final chromosome appear like a whole chromosome? For instance, in mFISH, if the break restituted, or an exchange occured between homologues the final chromosome will appear uneffected.
appearsWhole(FPChrom) - Method in class ca.cas.painting.WholeChromPaint
Returns true if the final pattern chromosome appears whole.
arrange(Random) - Method in class ca.cas.montecarlo.CircleGeometry
arrange(Random) - Method in class ca.cas.montecarlo.Geometry
Calling this method causes this Geometry to arrange the Chromosomes from the Genome set by setGenome().
arranged - Variable in class ca.cas.montecarlo.Geometry
arrayIndexToChromosome(int) - Method in class ca.cas.montecarlo.Misrejoiner
Finds the Chromosome that a particular free end is from
arrayIndexToLoc(int) - Method in class ca.cas.montecarlo.Misrejoiner
Finds the location of a particular free end on the Chromosome that it is from.


betweenChroms(long) - Method in class ca.cas.montecarlo.CircleGeometry
Determines whether the specified location in this Geometry exists between chromosomes
Break - Class in ca.cas.montecarlo
Each Break object represents a double strand break on a Chromosome object
Break(Chromosome, long) - Constructor for class ca.cas.montecarlo.Break
Constructs a Break object
breaks() - Method in class ca.cas.montecarlo.CircleIrradiator
Returns an array of the double strand breaks that occur during the course of the irradiation of the genome
breaks - Variable in class ca.cas.montecarlo.Irradiator
breaks() - Method in class ca.cas.montecarlo.Irradiator
This method provides access to the Break objects found by the most recent call to irradiate()


ca.cas.control - package ca.cas.control
Provides classes for controlling the cas application.
ca.cas.montecarlo - package ca.cas.montecarlo
Provides classes which simulate various stages in the process of forming chromosome aberrations.
ca.cas.multigraph - package ca.cas.multigraph
Provides classes for use in creating a multigraph representation of a Genome.
ca.cas.nucleus - package ca.cas.nucleus
Provides classes which model physical aspects of the nucleus such as chromosomes and the genome.
ca.cas.painting - package ca.cas.painting
Provides classes for simulating chromosome painting.
ca.cas.patterns - package ca.cas.patterns
Provides classes for working with patterns.
ca.cas.utilities - package ca.cas.utilities
Provides classes to be used throughout the CAS application in calculations.
CExperiment - Class in ca.cas.control
CExperiment is a conceptual version of what the Experiment class will be like.
CExperiment() - Constructor for class ca.cas.control.CExperiment
checkArranged() - Method in class ca.cas.montecarlo.Geometry
CHROM - Static variable in class ca.cas.multigraph.AbEdge
chromOrient(Chromosome) - Method in class ca.cas.montecarlo.CircleGeometry
Returns the orientation of a particular Chromosome in this Geometry
Chromosome - Class in ca.cas.nucleus
Each Chromosome object represents an individual chromosome within a particular genome.
Chromosome(String, int, long, long, boolean) - Constructor for class ca.cas.nucleus.Chromosome
Constructs a Chromosome object
CircleGeometry - Class in ca.cas.montecarlo
Each CircleGeometry object represents the relative positioning of chromosomes from a particular genome as arranged in a circle.
CircleGeometry() - Constructor for class ca.cas.montecarlo.CircleGeometry
Constructs a CircleGeometry object.
CircleIrradiator - Class in ca.cas.montecarlo
Each CircleIrradiator object represents the process in which a genome arranged as a CircleGeometry is irradiated and double strand breaks occur.
CircleIrradiator(double, ProbDist, ProbDist) - Constructor for class ca.cas.montecarlo.CircleIrradiator
Constructs a CircleIrradiator object
clone() - Method in class ca.cas.nucleus.Genome
compareTo(Object) - Method in class ca.cas.multigraph.AbVertex
compareTo(Object) - Method in class ca.cas.nucleus.Chromosome
compareTo(Chromosome) - Method in class ca.cas.nucleus.Chromosome
connectedComponentOf(AbVertex) - Method in class ca.cas.multigraph.AbGraph
Returns a set of vertices that are in the same connected component as vertex.
connectedComponents() - Method in class ca.cas.multigraph.AbGraph
Returns a vector containing the connected components of this AbGraph.
CONSTANT - Static variable in class ca.cas.utilities.ProbDist
ConstantDist - Class in ca.cas.utilities
Each ConstantDist object represents a probability distribution for which the probability of one particular integer is 1.0 and the value of every other integer is 0.0
ConstantDist(int) - Constructor for class ca.cas.utilities.ConstantDist
Construct a ConstantDist object
contains(long) - Method in class ca.cas.multigraph.AbEdge
Returns true if the location lies between the source and target location values.
counterstain() - Method in interface ca.cas.painting.Paint
returns true if the paint uses a counterstain
counterstain() - Method in class ca.cas.painting.WholeChromPaint
counterstained(FPChrom) - Method in class ca.cas.painting.Painter
determines whether an fpchromosome is entirely counterstained.
crypticFinalPattern(AbGraph) - Method in class ca.cas.painting.Painter
Given an AbGraph, converts the final configuration subgraph into a final pattern.
CTUI - Class in ca.cas.control
CTUI() - Constructor for class ca.cas.control.CTUI


distance(Chromosome, long, Chromosome, long) - Method in class ca.cas.montecarlo.CircleGeometry
distance(Chromosome, long, Chromosome, long) - Method in class ca.cas.montecarlo.Geometry
Returns the distance between locations in the Genome.


equals(Object) - Method in class ca.cas.montecarlo.Break
Compares the specified object with this break for equality.
exchangeGraph() - Method in class ca.cas.multigraph.AbGraph
Returns the exchange subgraph.
EXP - Static variable in class ca.cas.utilities.ProbDist
ExponentialDist - Class in ca.cas.utilities
Each ExponentialDist object represents a probability distribution for which the probability of x is exp(-lambda*x)*(1 - exp(-lambda))
ExponentialDist(double, double) - Constructor for class ca.cas.utilities.ExponentialDist
ExponentialMisrejoiner - Class in ca.cas.montecarlo
ExponentialMisrejoiner extends Misrejoiner with the rule that the probability of two free ends joining decays exponentially with the distance between the two free ends in the Geometry
ExponentialMisrejoiner(double) - Constructor for class ca.cas.montecarlo.ExponentialMisrejoiner
Constructs an ExponentialMisrejoiner object.


fin - Variable in class ca.cas.control.CExperiment
FINAL - Static variable in class ca.cas.multigraph.AbEdge
finalConfigurationGraph() - Method in class ca.cas.multigraph.AbGraph
Returns the final configuration subgraph.
finalEdges - Variable in class ca.cas.montecarlo.Misrejoiner
finalPattern(AbGraph, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class ca.cas.painting.Painter
Returns the final pattern with flags for removing cryptic breaks, counterstained chromosomes, and apparently unaffected chromosomes.
finalPattern(AbGraph) - Method in class ca.cas.painting.Painter
Returns the final pattern for the aberration multigraph with no cryptic breaks, counterstained chromosomes, or apparently unaffected chromosomes.
FinalPattern - Class in ca.cas.patterns
Final Pattern class holds a final pattern.
FinalPattern() - Constructor for class ca.cas.patterns.FinalPattern
FPChrom - Class in ca.cas.patterns
This class stores a final pattern chromosome.
FPChrom() - Constructor for class ca.cas.patterns.FPChrom
FPChrom(boolean) - Constructor for class ca.cas.patterns.FPChrom
fpchroms() - Method in class ca.cas.patterns.FinalPattern
Returns an enumeration of the chromosomes.
Fragment - Class in ca.cas.patterns
Class stores a String label, a boolean value for a centromere, and a long value for length.
Fragment(String, boolean, long) - Constructor for class ca.cas.patterns.Fragment
Constructs a fragment to store label, centromere flag, and length.
Fragment(String, boolean) - Constructor for class ca.cas.patterns.Fragment
Constructs a fragment to store label and centromere flag.
fragments() - Method in class ca.cas.patterns.FPChrom
returns an enumeration of the fragments in the chromosome.
FREE_END - Static variable in class ca.cas.multigraph.AbVertex
freeEnds - Variable in class ca.cas.montecarlo.Misrejoiner
fullCopy() - Method in class ca.cas.multigraph.AbGraph
Returns a full copy of this AbGraph


gen - Variable in class ca.cas.control.CExperiment
gen - Variable in class ca.cas.montecarlo.Geometry
Genome<E extends Chromosome> - Class in ca.cas.nucleus
Genome() - Constructor for class ca.cas.nucleus.Genome
Genome(int) - Constructor for class ca.cas.nucleus.Genome
Genome(Collection<? extends E>) - Constructor for class ca.cas.nucleus.Genome
GenomeReader - Class in ca.cas.nucleus
The GenomeReader class is used for its static readGenome method which reads a Genome object from a file
GenomeReader() - Constructor for class ca.cas.nucleus.GenomeReader
geo - Variable in class ca.cas.control.CExperiment
geo - Variable in class ca.cas.montecarlo.Misrejoiner
Geometry - Class in ca.cas.montecarlo
A class that extends Geometry represents the spatial relationship of the Chromosomes in a Genome.
Geometry() - Constructor for class ca.cas.montecarlo.Geometry
The constructor for the Geometry abstract class.
getAllFinalEdges(Random) - Method in class ca.cas.montecarlo.Misrejoiner
Calculates a Set of final edges that represents the end result of the misrejoining process.
getAndAddFinalEdges(Random) - Method in class ca.cas.montecarlo.Misrejoiner
Calculates a Set of final edges that represents the end result of the misrejoining process.
getBasePairCount() - Method in class ca.cas.nucleus.Chromosome
getBP() - Method in class ca.cas.multigraph.AbVertex
getCentromereLocation() - Method in class ca.cas.nucleus.Chromosome
getChrom() - Method in class ca.cas.multigraph.AbVertex
getChrom(int) - Method in class ca.cas.patterns.FinalPattern
returns the chromosome at the specified index
getChromosome() - Method in class ca.cas.montecarlo.Break
Returns the chromosome on which this double strand break occurs
getEdge(Chromosome, long) - Method in class ca.cas.multigraph.AbGraph
Returns the chromatin edge of chrom that contains location.
getEdge(AbVertex, int) - Method in class ca.cas.multigraph.AbGraph
Returns the edge incident on vertex, for edge type type.
getFragment(int) - Method in class ca.cas.patterns.FPChrom
returns the fragment at the specified index.
getFreeEnds() - Method in class ca.cas.multigraph.AbGraph
Returns all the free ends.
getHomologue() - Method in class ca.cas.nucleus.Chromosome
getLabel() - Method in class ca.cas.patterns.Fragment
getLocation() - Method in class ca.cas.montecarlo.Break
Returns the location of this double strand break on the chromosome in which it resides.
getLocation() - Method in class ca.cas.multigraph.AbVertex
getMax() - Method in class ca.cas.utilities.ProbDist
Returns the greatest number in this probability distribution which has a calculated probability
getName() - Method in class ca.cas.nucleus.Chromosome
getProbDist(int, double[]) - Static method in class ca.cas.utilities.ProbDist
A static factory method used to generate a probability distribution from an integer flag indicating a type (as above) and some parameters.
getRunNumber() - Method in class ca.cas.control.MultiRunExperiment
getSource() - Method in class ca.cas.multigraph.AbEdge
getTarget() - Method in class ca.cas.multigraph.AbEdge
getType() - Method in class ca.cas.multigraph.AbEdge
getType() - Method in class ca.cas.multigraph.AbVertex
getVertex() - Method in class ca.cas.multigraph.AbGraph
Returns a vertex -- a telomere first and if there are no telomeres, then a free end If there are no free ends, then it returns null.
getVertices(Chromosome) - Method in class ca.cas.multigraph.AbGraph
Returns a tree set of all vertices of a given Chromosome
grandSum - Variable in class ca.cas.montecarlo.Misrejoiner
graph - Variable in class ca.cas.montecarlo.Misrejoiner


hasCentromere(long, long, long) - Method in class ca.cas.painting.WholeChromPaint
returns true if source and target are on opposite sides of centromere.
hasCentromere() - Method in class ca.cas.patterns.Fragment
hashCode() - Method in class ca.cas.nucleus.Chromosome


incidentOn(AbVertex) - Method in class ca.cas.multigraph.AbEdge
Returns true if the edge is incident on vertex
INIT - Static variable in class ca.cas.multigraph.AbEdge
initialize() - Method in class ca.cas.montecarlo.Misrejoiner
initializeProbArray() - Method in class ca.cas.montecarlo.ExponentialMisrejoiner
initializeProbArray() - Method in class ca.cas.montecarlo.Misrejoiner
irr - Variable in class ca.cas.control.CExperiment
irradiate(Random) - Method in class ca.cas.montecarlo.CircleIrradiator
irradiate(Random) - Method in class ca.cas.montecarlo.Irradiator
Calling this method causes the irradiator class to generate a new array of Breaks in the Geometry set by setGeometry().
Irradiator - Class in ca.cas.montecarlo
A class that extends Irradiator represents the process in which double strand breaks are induced in a genome by ionizing radiation.
Irradiator() - Constructor for class ca.cas.montecarlo.Irradiator
isCounterstained(Fragment) - Method in interface ca.cas.painting.Paint
should always return false if counterstain == false.
isCounterstained(Fragment) - Method in class ca.cas.painting.WholeChromPaint
Returns true if the fragment is counterstained.
isOriented() - Method in interface ca.cas.painting.Paint
returns true if the Painting scheme is oriented.
isOriented() - Method in class ca.cas.painting.WholeChromPaint
isRing() - Method in class ca.cas.patterns.FPChrom
returns true if the chromosome is a ring.


leastNumBP(Chromosome, long, Chromosome, long) - Method in class ca.cas.montecarlo.CircleGeometry
Finds the least number of base pairs between two locations in this Geometry
LEFT - Static variable in class ca.cas.multigraph.AbVertex
length() - Method in class ca.cas.patterns.Fragment
listOfAbGraphs() - Method in class ca.cas.control.MultiRunExperiment
listOfFinalPatterns() - Method in class ca.cas.control.MultiRunExperiment
locToChrom(long) - Method in class ca.cas.montecarlo.CircleGeometry
Returns the Chromosome in which a location in this Geometry exists
locToLocalLoc(long) - Method in class ca.cas.montecarlo.CircleGeometry
Determines the location on a Chromosome of a location in this Geometry


main(String[]) - Static method in class ca.cas.control.CTUI
main(String[]) - Static method in class ca.cas.control.MultiRunExperiment
main(String[]) - Static method in class ca.cas.control.SampleController
main(String[]) - Static method in class ca.cas.montecarlo.Break
main(String[]) - Static method in class ca.cas.montecarlo.CircleGeometry
max - Variable in class ca.cas.utilities.ProbDist
mFISH(Genome, boolean) - Static method in class ca.cas.painting.PaintFactory
Produces a WholeChromPaint from a Genome where every chromosome with is painted with the name of the chromosome and centromeres are visible, if track_centromeres == true.
mFISH(Genome) - Static method in class ca.cas.painting.PaintFactory
Produces a WholeChromPaint from a Genome where every chromosome with is painted with the name of the chromosome and centromeres are visible.
min - Variable in class ca.cas.utilities.ProbDist
mis - Variable in class ca.cas.control.CExperiment
misrejoin(Random) - Method in class ca.cas.montecarlo.Misrejoiner
Calculates final edges from the free ends currently contained by the AbGraph set by setAbGraph() and adds these final edges back into the AbGraph
Misrejoiner - Class in ca.cas.montecarlo
A class that extends Misrejoiner represents the process of rejoining the loose ends that are the result of the irradiation of a genome.
Misrejoiner() - Constructor for class ca.cas.montecarlo.Misrejoiner
mostRecentAbGraph() - Method in class ca.cas.control.CExperiment
Returns the AbGraph used in the most recent call to simulate
mostRecentAbGraph() - Method in class ca.cas.control.SampleDriver
Returns the AbGraph used in the most recent call to simulate
mostRecentFinalPattern() - Method in class ca.cas.control.CExperiment
Returns the FinalPattern generated by the most recent call to simulate
MultiRunExperiment - Class in ca.cas.control
MultiRunExperiment(int) - Constructor for class ca.cas.control.MultiRunExperiment


next(Random) - Method in class ca.cas.utilities.ProbDist
Returns a number at random from this probability distribution


ONE - Static variable in class ca.cas.utilities.ProbDist
OneDist - Class in ca.cas.utilities
OneDist() - Constructor for class ca.cas.utilities.OneDist
oneFISH(Genome, String, String, String, boolean) - Static method in class ca.cas.painting.PaintFactory
Produces a WholeChromPaint from a Genome where chromsomes with chrom_name are painted with chrom_color, all other chromosomes are counterstained with counterstain_color, and centromeres are visible, if track_centromeres == true.
oneFISH(Genome, String, String, String) - Static method in class ca.cas.painting.PaintFactory
Produces a WholeChromPaint from a Genome where chromsomes with chrom_name are painted with chrom_color, all other chromosomes are counterstained with counterstain_color, and centromeres are visible.
orient() - Method in class ca.cas.multigraph.AbVertex
overallLocation(Chromosome, long) - Method in class ca.cas.montecarlo.CircleGeometry
Finds the location in this Geometry of a location on a chromosome.


pai - Variable in class ca.cas.control.CExperiment
Paint - Interface in ca.cas.painting
Interface encapsulates the behavior of the chromatin painting as a means of translating from the chromatin edges of an AbGraph to the Fragments of a Final Pattern.
paint(AbEdge) - Method in interface ca.cas.painting.Paint
returns the same result as paint(chrom_edge.getSource(), chrom_edge.getTarget())
paint(AbVertex, AbVertex) - Method in interface ca.cas.painting.Paint
returns a Fragment object associated to the length of chromatin between start_vertex and end_vertex.
paint(AbEdge) - Method in class ca.cas.painting.WholeChromPaint
paint(AbVertex, AbVertex) - Method in class ca.cas.painting.WholeChromPaint
returns the fragment associated to the chromatin edge that would span the source and target vertices.
paintComponent(AbGraph) - Method in class ca.cas.painting.Painter
returns a final pattern chromosome from a connected AbGraph component.
painter - Variable in class ca.cas.control.CExperiment
Painter - Class in ca.cas.painting
This class stores a Paint and uses the methods of the Paint interface to determine Final Patterns from aberration multigraphs.
Painter(Paint) - Constructor for class ca.cas.painting.Painter
Constructs a Painter object with pnt as the underlying Paint
PaintFactory - Class in ca.cas.painting
Class contains static methods for building common Paints from Genomes.
PaintFactory() - Constructor for class ca.cas.painting.PaintFactory
partnerOf(Object) - Method in class ca.cas.multigraph.AbEdge
Returns the partner of v or null if this edge is not incident on v.
partnerOf(AbVertex, int) - Method in class ca.cas.multigraph.AbGraph
Returns the partner of vertex of the given edge_type
Poisson - Class in ca.cas.utilities
Each Poisson object represents the poisson distribution for a given average value.
Poisson(double, double) - Constructor for class ca.cas.utilities.Poisson
Constructs a Poisson object with a given average value without considering values for which the probability is less than a given precision
POISSON - Static variable in class ca.cas.utilities.ProbDist
printFinalPattern() - Method in class ca.cas.control.CExperiment
printFinalPattern() - Method in class ca.cas.control.MultiRunExperiment
probArray - Variable in class ca.cas.montecarlo.Misrejoiner
ProbDist - Class in ca.cas.utilities
Each class which extends ProbDist represents a probability distribution.
ProbDist() - Constructor for class ca.cas.utilities.ProbDist
probFor(int) - Method in class ca.cas.utilities.ProbDist
Calculates the probability of n in this probability distribution
probMoreThan(int) - Method in class ca.cas.utilities.ProbDist
Calculates the probability for all numbers strictly greater than n in this probability distribution
probs - Variable in class ca.cas.utilities.ProbDist
probUpTo(int) - Method in class ca.cas.utilities.ProbDist
Calculates the sum of the probabilities for 0 to n inclusive in this probability distribution.
PTOQ - Static variable in class ca.cas.montecarlo.CircleGeometry
A constant representing the orientation of a chromosome from its p telomere to its q telomere.


QTOP - Static variable in class ca.cas.montecarlo.CircleGeometry
A constant representing the orientation of a chromosome from its q telomere to its p telomere.


readGenome(String) - Static method in class ca.cas.nucleus.GenomeReader
Creates a Genome object from a file which must follow a particular format There is a separate line in the file for each Chromosome in the Genome each line must be written in the following way: [name]:[homologue # (0 or 1)]:[# base pairs]:[index # of centromere]:[circularity (true or false)]
removeChrom(int) - Method in class ca.cas.patterns.FinalPattern
remove the chromosome at the specified index.
removeComponentOf(AbVertex) - Method in class ca.cas.multigraph.AbGraph
Removes the connected component of the specified vertex from this AbGraph and returns that connected component as an AbGraph.
removeCounterstained(FinalPattern) - Method in class ca.cas.painting.Painter
removes all fpchromosomes that are entirely counterstained.
removeCrypticBreaks(FinalPattern) - Method in class ca.cas.painting.Painter
removes the cryptic breaks in the final pattern by testing neighboring fragments under the Paint agglomeration.
removeCrypticBreaks(FPChrom) - Method in class ca.cas.painting.Painter
removes the cryptic breaks in the final pattern chromosome by testing neighboring fragments under the Paint agglomeration.
removeEdge(AbEdge) - Method in class ca.cas.multigraph.AbGraph
Remove the specified edge.
removeFragment(int) - Method in class ca.cas.patterns.FPChrom
remove the fragment at the specified index.
removeToComponent(AbVertex, AbGraph, int) - Method in class ca.cas.multigraph.AbGraph
Recursive function that removes to the component the edges and vertices connected to the specified vertex.
removeVertex(AbVertex) - Method in class ca.cas.multigraph.AbGraph
Remove the specified vertex.
removeWholeChromosomes(FinalPattern) - Method in class ca.cas.painting.Painter
removes all fpchromosomes that are apparently whole.
RIGHT - Static variable in class ca.cas.multigraph.AbVertex
runExperiment(Random) - Method in class ca.cas.control.CExperiment
This is the method which defines how the experiment is to be run.
runExperiment(Random) - Method in class ca.cas.control.MultiRunExperiment


SampleController - Class in ca.cas.control
SampleController is an example of a runnable class which executes a cas simulation using a driver class.
SampleController() - Constructor for class ca.cas.control.SampleController
SampleDriver - Class in ca.cas.control
SampleDriver is an example of a class which uses classes defined for the cas application to run a simulation.
SampleDriver() - Constructor for class ca.cas.control.SampleDriver
setAbGraph(AbGraph) - Method in class ca.cas.montecarlo.Misrejoiner
Set the AbGraph object that is to be used by this Misrejoiner
setGenome(Genome<Chromosome>) - Method in class ca.cas.control.CExperiment
setGenome(Genome) - Method in class ca.cas.control.SampleDriver
setGenome(Genome<Chromosome>) - Method in class ca.cas.montecarlo.Geometry
This method is intended to be used by the driver to specify the Genome object which this Geometry is to represent an arrangement of.
setGeometry(Geometry) - Method in class ca.cas.control.CExperiment
setGeometry(Geometry) - Method in class ca.cas.control.SampleDriver
setGeometry(Geometry) - Method in class ca.cas.montecarlo.CircleIrradiator
setGeometry(Geometry) - Method in class ca.cas.montecarlo.Irradiator
This method is intended to be used by the driver to specify the Geometry object which should be used as a basis for this irradiation process.
setGeometry(Geometry) - Method in class ca.cas.montecarlo.Misrejoiner
Set the Geometry object that is to be used by this Misrejoiner
setIrradiator(Irradiator) - Method in class ca.cas.control.CExperiment
setIrradiator(Irradiator) - Method in class ca.cas.control.SampleDriver
setMisrejoiner(Misrejoiner) - Method in class ca.cas.control.CExperiment
setMisrejoiner(Misrejoiner) - Method in class ca.cas.control.SampleDriver
setPaint(Paint) - Method in class ca.cas.control.CExperiment
setPaint(Paint) - Method in class ca.cas.control.SampleDriver
setPaint(Chromosome, String) - Method in class ca.cas.painting.WholeChromPaint
creates a whole chromosome paint with centromere probes and no counterstain.
setRunNumber(int) - Method in class ca.cas.control.MultiRunExperiment
simulate(Random) - Method in class ca.cas.control.CExperiment
This method runs a cas simulation using the objects provided using the set methods.
simulate(Random) - Method in class ca.cas.control.SampleDriver
This method runs a cas simulation using the objects provided using the set methods.
size - Variable in class ca.cas.montecarlo.Misrejoiner
size() - Method in class ca.cas.patterns.FinalPattern
returns the number of final chromosomes
size() - Method in class ca.cas.patterns.FPChrom
returns the number of fragments in this chromosome
sizeOfPrimary() - Method in class ca.cas.montecarlo.CircleIrradiator
Returns the number of points in the primary process
sizeOfSecondary() - Method in class ca.cas.montecarlo.CircleIrradiator
Returns the number of points in the secondary process
start() - Method in class ca.cas.control.CTUI
subgraph(boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class ca.cas.multigraph.AbGraph
Returns a subgraph of this AbGraph


TELOMERE - Static variable in class ca.cas.multigraph.AbVertex
toString() - Method in class ca.cas.montecarlo.Break
Returns a String representation of this Break object in the form:
"[name of chromosome]-[homologue of chromosome]:[location of the break]"
toString() - Method in class ca.cas.multigraph.AbEdge
toString() - Method in class ca.cas.multigraph.AbGraph
A string representation of the multigraph.
toString() - Method in class ca.cas.multigraph.AbVertex
toString() - Method in class ca.cas.nucleus.Chromosome
toString() - Method in class ca.cas.patterns.FinalPattern
toString() - Method in class ca.cas.patterns.FPChrom
toString() - Method in class ca.cas.patterns.Fragment
totalBP() - Method in class ca.cas.montecarlo.Geometry
totalBP() - Method in class ca.cas.nucleus.Genome
trackCentromeres() - Method in interface ca.cas.painting.Paint
returns true if the Paint records centromeres
trackCentromeres() - Method in class ca.cas.painting.WholeChromPaint


updateProbArray(int, int) - Method in class ca.cas.montecarlo.ExponentialMisrejoiner
updateProbArray(int, int) - Method in class ca.cas.montecarlo.Misrejoiner


WholeChromPaint - Class in ca.cas.painting
A whole chromosome Paint.
WholeChromPaint(boolean, boolean, String) - Constructor for class ca.cas.painting.WholeChromPaint
creates a whole chromosome paint.


ZERO - Static variable in class ca.cas.utilities.ProbDist
ZeroDist - Class in ca.cas.utilities
ZeroDist() - Constructor for class ca.cas.utilities.ZeroDist