Class ProbDist

  extended by ca.cas.utilities.ProbDist
Direct Known Subclasses:
ConstantDist, ExponentialDist, OneDist, Poisson, ZeroDist

public abstract class ProbDist
extends java.lang.Object

Each class which extends ProbDist represents a probability distribution. The ProbDist abstract class provides methods for calculating the probability of elements and sets of elements according to the probability distribution represented by the class which extends ProbDist. ProbDist also provides a method for finding an element at random from the probability distribution that the class which extends ProbDist represents

Field Summary
static int CONSTANT
static int EXP
protected  int max
protected  int min
static int ONE
static int POISSON
protected  java.util.Vector probs
static int ZERO
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 int getMax()
          Returns the greatest number in this probability distribution which has a calculated probability
static ProbDist getProbDist(int type, double[] parameters)
          A static factory method used to generate a probability distribution from an integer flag indicating a type (as above) and some parameters.
 int next(java.util.Random r)
          Returns a number at random from this probability distribution
 double probFor(int n)
          Calculates the probability of n in this probability distribution
 double probMoreThan(int n)
          Calculates the probability for all numbers strictly greater than n in this probability distribution
 double probUpTo(int n)
          Calculates the sum of the probabilities for 0 to n inclusive in this probability distribution.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final int ZERO
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int ONE
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int CONSTANT
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int EXP
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int POISSON
See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected java.util.Vector probs


protected int min


protected int max
Constructor Detail


public ProbDist()
Method Detail


public double probFor(int n)
Calculates the probability of n in this probability distribution

n - the int which represents the number for which the probability is to be calculated
the probability of n as a double


public double probUpTo(int n)
Calculates the sum of the probabilities for 0 to n inclusive in this probability distribution.

n - the int which represents the last number in the set of numbers whose probabilities are to be summed
the sum of the probabilities for 0 to n inclusive as a double


public double probMoreThan(int n)
Calculates the probability for all numbers strictly greater than n in this probability distribution

n - the int which represents the greatest integer not in the set of integers whos probabilities are to be summed
the sum of the probabilities of all n strictly greater than n as a double


public int next(java.util.Random r)
Returns a number at random from this probability distribution

r - a Random object used to find the number to return
a random number from this probability distribution


public int getMax()
Returns the greatest number in this probability distribution which has a calculated probability

the greatest number in this probability distribution that has a calculated probability


public static ProbDist getProbDist(int type,
                                   double[] parameters)
A static factory method used to generate a probability distribution from an integer flag indicating a type (as above) and some parameters. In the case of ZeroDist and OneDist, the presence or absence of parameters is a non-issue. In the case of Poisson and Exponential, if there are no parameters specified, it will set lambda/alpha to 1 and precision to 1E-5d. If only one parameter is specified, it will set lambda/alpha to that value and precision to 1E-5d. If more than two or more values are given, the first two will be used to specify lambda and precision repectively. Lastly, for a Constant distribution, only the first parameter will be used and if no such parameter is specified, 1 will be used in its place. Note, since constant takes an int and this is a double array of parameters, we're going to use a type conversion. This is probably a bad idea. I think Java 1.5 allows for a nicer way to handle unknown numbers/types of parameters, something to do with the new formatted print statement, but this ought to work just fine.