Class Poisson

  extended by ca.cas.utilities.ProbDist
      extended by ca.cas.utilities.Poisson

public class Poisson
extends ProbDist

Each Poisson object represents the poisson distribution for a given average value. Values for which the probability is less than a specified precision are not considered.

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class ca.cas.utilities.ProbDist
CONSTANT, EXP, max, min, ONE, POISSON, probs, ZERO
Constructor Summary
Poisson(double alpha, double precision)
          Constructs a Poisson object with a given average value without considering values for which the probability is less than a given precision
Method Summary
Methods inherited from class ca.cas.utilities.ProbDist
getMax, getProbDist, next, probFor, probMoreThan, probUpTo
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public Poisson(double alpha,
               double precision)
Constructs a Poisson object with a given average value without considering values for which the probability is less than a given precision

alpha - the value as a double of the average value in this poisson distibution
precision - the value as a double of the minimum probability which is of interest. Values less than this probablility will not be considered