Package ca.cas.utilities

Provides classes to be used throughout the CAS application in calculations.


Class Summary
ConstantDist Each ConstantDist object represents a probability distribution for which the probability of one particular integer is 1.0 and the value of every other integer is 0.0
ExponentialDist Each ExponentialDist object represents a probability distribution for which the probability of x is exp(-lambda*x)*(1 - exp(-lambda))
Poisson Each Poisson object represents the poisson distribution for a given average value.
ProbDist Each class which extends ProbDist represents a probability distribution.

Package ca.cas.utilities Description

Provides classes to be used throughout the CAS application in calculations. The abstract class ProbDist provides a framework for writing classes which rerpesent probability distributions. ProbDist also supplies the capability of sampling from the probability distribution which the extending class represents. There are several classes in this package which extend ProbDist to represent various distributions. These classes may be used wherever a representation of a probability distribution is needed.