Class PaintFactory

  extended by ca.cas.painting.PaintFactory

public class PaintFactory
extends java.lang.Object

Class contains static methods for building common Paints from Genomes. Currently implemented methods include mFISH and oneFISH.

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
static Paint mFISH(Genome g)
          Produces a WholeChromPaint from a Genome where every chromosome with is painted with the name of the chromosome and centromeres are visible.
static Paint mFISH(Genome g, boolean track_centromeres)
          Produces a WholeChromPaint from a Genome where every chromosome with is painted with the name of the chromosome and centromeres are visible, if track_centromeres == true.
static Paint oneFISH(Genome g, java.lang.String chrom_name, java.lang.String chrom_color, java.lang.String counterstain_color)
          Produces a WholeChromPaint from a Genome where chromsomes with chrom_name are painted with chrom_color, all other chromosomes are counterstained with counterstain_color, and centromeres are visible.
static Paint oneFISH(Genome g, java.lang.String chrom_name, java.lang.String chrom_color, java.lang.String counterstain_color, boolean track_centromeres)
          Produces a WholeChromPaint from a Genome where chromsomes with chrom_name are painted with chrom_color, all other chromosomes are counterstained with counterstain_color, and centromeres are visible, if track_centromeres == true.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public PaintFactory()
Method Detail


public static Paint mFISH(Genome g,
                          boolean track_centromeres)
Produces a WholeChromPaint from a Genome where every chromosome with is painted with the name of the chromosome and centromeres are visible, if track_centromeres == true.

g - genome
track_centromeres - with centromere probes?
a Paint where every Chromosome in the genome is painted with its name


public static Paint mFISH(Genome g)
Produces a WholeChromPaint from a Genome where every chromosome with is painted with the name of the chromosome and centromeres are visible.

g - genome
a Paint where every Chromosome in the genome is painted with its name


public static Paint oneFISH(Genome g,
                            java.lang.String chrom_name,
                            java.lang.String chrom_color,
                            java.lang.String counterstain_color,
                            boolean track_centromeres)
Produces a WholeChromPaint from a Genome where chromsomes with chrom_name are painted with chrom_color, all other chromosomes are counterstained with counterstain_color, and centromeres are visible, if track_centromeres == true.

g - genome
chrom_name - Name of chromosome to paint
chrom_color - Color to paint chromosomes with chrom_name
counterstain_color - Color for counterstained chromosomes
track_centromeres -
a WholeChromPaint where every chromosome with name == chrom_name and all other chromosomes are counterstained.


public static Paint oneFISH(Genome g,
                            java.lang.String chrom_name,
                            java.lang.String chrom_color,
                            java.lang.String counterstain_color)
Produces a WholeChromPaint from a Genome where chromsomes with chrom_name are painted with chrom_color, all other chromosomes are counterstained with counterstain_color, and centromeres are visible.

g - genome
chrom_name - Name of chromosome to paint
chrom_color - Color to paint chromosomes with chrom_name
counterstain_color - Color for counterstained chromosomes
a WholeChromPaint where every chromosome with name == chrom_name and all other chromosomes are counterstained.