Package ca.cas.control

Provides classes for controlling the cas application.


Class Summary
CExperiment CExperiment is a conceptual version of what the Experiment class will be like.
SampleController SampleController is an example of a runnable class which executes a cas simulation using a driver class.
SampleDriver SampleDriver is an example of a class which uses classes defined for the cas application to run a simulation.

Package ca.cas.control Description

Provides classes for controlling the cas application. The purpose of a controller class is to create all instances of the classes that are to be used in the simulation. The types and parameters of these instances are decided according to the wishes of the experimenter. These details may be provided by a GUI class or by a class which reads stored information about an experiment. The instances created in the controller class are provided to a driver class. This class runs the various stages of the simulation with the instances provided by the controller.