Capstone Course in Mathematics Spring 2015

Facilitators: Shiyu Li (jjl2357 at ...) and Henry Maltby (hwmaltby at ...)
Faculty Sponsor: Yan Zhang
CCNs: 54038 (lower-division), 54317 (upper-division)
Office Hours:

About the course

This course seeks to aid development of mathematical maturity required for further courses at and beyond the undergraduate level. As such, it is intended for students who have completed the lower division major requirements and have begun to work on the upper division courses. We will assume familiarity with many concepts present in a traditional undergraduate core (Math 104, Math 110, Math 113, Math 185). That being said, the only requirements for this course are Math 53, Math 54, and Math 113. We hope students who complete this course will have the fundamental tools to begin taking introductory graduate courses, and we hope to supplement future courses by providing illustrative examples and bridging gaps in intuition.

Lecture will take place 4-5:30 pm on Wednesdays in 251 Dwinelle. A supplementary discussion period will take place either 3-4, 4-5, or 5-6 pm on Monday, depending upon student availability and interest. This discussion period will be focused more greatly on review of lecture from the previous week and assistance on key problems in the assignment. An office hour will be offered in conjunction with the Mathematics Undergraduate Student Association's open hours for the semester.

Students will have problem sets each week to review the material presented in each lecture. The grading scheme will be as follows:

We plan on covering many different topics throughout the semester. Our tentative weekly syllabus is as follows:

Lecture Topics


Materials from lecture will be posted here after each practice.


This page was last updated on April 23rd, 2015.