TITLE (click for an abstract) |
May 6 |
Christopher Miller UC Berkeley
LLT Polynomials, k-Schur Functions, and Positivity
April 29th |
Jose Simental Rodriguez UC Davis
Representations of Hecke algebras and lattice-path counting.
April 22nd |
Katharina Jochemko KTH and Simons Institute
Real-rooted h*-polynomials
April 15th |
Max Hlavacek UC Berkeley
Dehn-Sommerville Equations for Eulerian Cubical Complexes
April 8th |
Anne Schilling UC Davis |
An insertion algorithm on multiset partitions
April 1st |
Ana Garcia Elsener University of Graz |
Cluster algebras and factorization
March 18 |
Raman Sanyal Goethe Universitat-Frankfurt and Simons Institute |
Cone valuations, Gram's relation, and combinatorics
March 11 |
Mario Sanchez UC Berkeley |
Mobius Inversion as Duality for Hopf Monoids
March 4 |
Nicolai ReshetikhinUC Berkeley |
On statistics
of irreducible components
February 25 |
Wencin Poh UC Davis
Characterization of queer supercrystals
February 11 |
Brett Kolesnik UC Berkeley
Two probabilistic proofs of Moon's Theorem and the Bradley-Terry model
February 4 |
Bernd Sturmfels UC Berkeley and Max Planck Institute
Varieties of signature tensors
January 28 |
Sam Payne MSRI and University of Texas at Austin
Triangulations with vanishing local h-polynomials
November 26 |
Trevor Hyde Michigan
Cyclotomic factors of necklace polynomials
November 19 |
Bob Lutz Michigan
The seminar will be at MSRI in the Edward D. Baker Board Room at 12:10pm
Electrical networks and hyperplane arrangements
November 5 |
Curtis Greene MSRI and Haverford College
Inequalities for families of symmetric functions
October 29 |
Sami Assaf USC
Nonsymmetric Macdonald polynomials and Demazure characters
October 22 |
Mariel Supina UC Berkeley
The Hopf monoid of orbit polytopes and its character group
October 15 |
Michael Singer MSRI |
Walks, Groups and Difference Equations
October 8 |
Dan Romik UC Davis
The Taylor coefficients of the Jacobi theta constant \theta_3
October 1 |
Thomas McConville MSRI
Coherence of cellular strings of zonotopes
September 24 |
Foster Tom UC Berkeley
Near-Equality of Ribbon Schur Functions
September 17 |
Christopher Eur UC Berkeley
Divisors on matroids and their volumes
September 10 |
Volkmar Welker MSRI
The determinant of the Varchenko Matrix for oriented matroids.