Mark Haiman: (q,t,u)-Catalan combinatorics and the Schiffmann algebra


Some beautiful combinatorics discovered in the last decade or so revolves around two-parameter $(q,t)$ analogs of the Catalan numbers. The $(q,t)$ Catalan numbers and their various friends and relations come from an algebra of operators that act on symmetric functions in the theory of Macdonald polynomials. Thanks to work of Schiffmann--Vasserot and Feigin--Tsymbauliak it is now known that these operators form a representation of Schiffmann's 'Elliptic Hall algebra.' The $(q,t)$ Catalan objects have a representation theoretic interpretation that naturally extends to more than two parameters $(q,t,u,...)$. Almost nothing combinatorial is known about this extension, although there are some nice conjectures. For three parameters $(q,t,u)$, some of the open questions go back 25 years. It turns out that the Schiffmann algebra depends symmetrically on three parameters $q,t,u$ restricted to satisfy $q t u = 1$. Using this I can make some predictions about $(q,t,u)$ Catalan objects under this specialization of the parameters.