Robert Krone: The tropical Cayley-Menger variety


Abstract: The Cayley-Menger variety is the Zariski closure of the set of vectors specifying the pairwise squared distances between n points in R^d. For a graph on n vertices, a coordinate projection of the Cayley-Menger variety gives the possible edge lengths of the embeddings of the graph into R^d. Tropicalization converts an algebraic set into a polyhedral complex, the "combinatorial shadow" of the original variety. When d=2, the tropical Cayley-Menger variety is the set of sums of two ultrametrics on n leaves. We can describe its polyhedral structure in terms of pairs of rooted trees. This description leads to a new, tropical, proof of Laman's theorem, which is a characterization of the minimal generically rigid graphs in R^2. This is joint work with Daniel Bernstein.