Math 54, Linear Algebra and Differential Equations, Fall 2007.
- Here is the
overall grade curve , taking into account all the raw
scores, including homeworks, quizzes, and midterms and the
final. The formula for converting numerical grade to letter
grade is as follows: A+>=90, A>=82, A->=78; B+ >=74, B>=70,
B->=68; C+ >=65, C >= 62, C- >= 59; D+>=56; D >= 543 D- >=
50; F <50. You can also see the
grade curve for the final.
- The Final Exam is on Thursday, Dec. 20, from 12:30PM to
3:30PM, in 155 Dwinelle. DSP students can start taking the
exam at 10:00AM in 961 Evans.
- Mike will have a review on Tuesday 7-9PM, Room 105
- Yi will have a review on Monday 2-4PM, Room 241
Cory. Office Hours: 3-5PM, Wednesday.
- Trevor will have a review on Tuesday 5-7PM, Room 56
- I will be in office 1:00PM-3:00PM on Tuesday and
Wednesday, Dec. 11-12.
- Brian will have a review on Friday, Dec. 14 from
2:00-4:00PM, room Wurster 101.
- Yi will have a review. Time and Room TBA.
- There will be no calculators of any kind in
the final exam. Everyone is allowed a one-sided one-page
cheat sheet.
Sample Final Exam.
Here are some partial solutions.
- Here is a
Scaled Grade Curve , taking into account all the raw
scores we have so far, including homeworks, quizzes, and
midterms. The grades have been scaled to up to 100. You
could expect your final grade to be similar unless you did
much better or much worse in the final exam. You can ask
your GSI for your individual scaled score. You can also do
the calculation yourself using formula in the
General information file.
- Here is a
Grade Curve for the second midterm exam. It will be
updated once I get more data.
- Brian will have a review session on Friday between
4:00PM-6:00PM in Corey 289.
- We will NOT ask questions on ODEs in Midterm II.
Sample Midterm II. Here are the
- We will allow a one-page (on one side only) cheat sheet
for the second midterm exam.
Solutions to Homework Set 3.
Solutions to Homework Set 4.
Solutions to Homework Set 5.
Solutions to Homework Set 6.
Solutions to Homework Set 7.
Solutions to Homework Set 8.
Solutions to Homework Set 9.
Solutions to Homework Set 10.
Solutions to Homework Set 12.
Solutions to Homework Set 13.
Solutions to Homework Set 14.
- General information.
- Syllabus.
- Homework Sets .
Sample Midterm I , with
Solutions .
Midterm I Solutions .
- Here is a
Grade Curve for the first midterm exam.
Homework Sets . Please note that homework due the week
of Oct. 1 has been shortened.