Many physical phenomena are governed by differential equations. For
example, the rotation of the solar planets around the sun can be
accurately described by a set of time-dependent differential
equations. Linear algebra provides the basic tools necessary to
solve these differential equations (most commonly) on a computer.
This information document covers the following subjects: how to contact the staff, Prerequisites, Math 49, textbooks,
handouts, course work and
grading and exam dates.
If you have questions about enrollment, please contact the
Head GSI Aubrey Clayton at
during the first few days of the semester. See the website
/~aclayton/math54 for details,
including office hours and instructions on discussion
section selection.
If you have a general question about something that is NOT
covered here, or if you wish to talk with the GSIs or me,
the easiest way is to come during office hours. Otherwise,
please make an appointment by sending electronic mail.
Prof. Ming Gu
Office: Evans 861
Office Hours: W 12:00-1:30PM, TuTh 12:30-2:00PM or by appointment.
Phone: 642-3145
1A and 1B or equivalent. It is important to note that
calculus courses at most institutions either have no
differential equations, or less than Berkeley's Math
1B. Transfer students who have taken such a course need to
learn that differential equations material (Stewart,
Calculus: Early Transcendentals, 5th Ed., Ch.s 9 and 17) on
their own, by approximately the week of Oct. 29. Please
contact me if you have any concerns on this policy.
Math 49 Options
You can take this course as Math 49 with reduced credits if
you would like to take only the linear algebra part or only
the ODE part of the course. However, please note that we
spend about 2/3 of the time on linear algebra. We also spend
1/3 of the time on ODE and ask the students to learn
much of ODE material on their own if they did not have the
necessary background (see prerequisites). As is required by
the Math Department, we would need to sign an individual
contact for every Math 49 student.
Our textbooks are
Hard copies of all handouts will be distributed in the class; they can
also be downloaded from the class home
page on the WWW at /~mgu/MA54
There are a total of 100 points you can earn toward your final grade in the course. There will be two midterm exams. The better of the two is worth 25 points and the worse 15 points. The final exam is worth 30 points. All exams will be graded by the GSIs and myself. In addition to exams, there will be up to 14 homeworks and 14 quizzes. Only the best 10 homeworks and best 10 quizzes will be counted towards the final grade, with each homework and quiz worth 1.5 points. Homeworks are in general due on Mondays. In case of a University Holiday, they are due the following Wednesday. Quizzes are on the days Homeworks are due.
Since the GSIs are limited in their work hours in
grading homeworks and quizzes, they will only grade ONE
problem of their choice in each homework set. In addition,
they will make most of their quiz problems to be either from
the homework that is due on the day of the quiz or
similar to problems in the homework. Doing the homework is
worth 1 point; and doing the graded problem correctly is
worth 0.5 point.
The exams will be cumulative, There will be no make-up
midterm exams or quizzes. We will give no credit for written
homework turned in after the due date. The only exception to
this policy is medical or personal emergencies.
Homeworks will involve written assignments to be done
individually, although group discussion is allowed. They
will be due on Mondays before the discussion
sections. Quizzes will be given at the begining of
discussion sections for 20 minutes on every Mondays except
August 27. In the weeks where Monday is a University
Holiday, the homework will be due and quiz will be done on
Wednesday. We will have a review session and provide sample
exams before each of the three exams.
Since quiz problems are chosen by the GSIs individually, there likely
will be differences in levels of difficulties in them. To maintain a
high level of fairness, we will scale the quiz grades so that each
discussion section will have the same mean and standard deviation for
overall quiz grades. Your final letter grade will be
determined based on your own performance. I hope everyone
will excel in this course.
Grades of Incomplete will be granted only for dire medical
or personal emergencies that cause you to miss the final,
and only if your work up to that point has been
To obtain an early report of your grade, leave a stamped,
self-addressed postcard with your final or in my mail
box. I will only post the class performance curve
after the final exam.