Director at the Max Planck Institute
for Mathematics in the Sciences
Leipzig, Germany
Professor Emeritus in Mathematics,
Statistics and Computer Science,
University of California at Berkeley
Research Interests:
Algebraic Geometry, Combinatorics, Commutative Algebra, Algebraic Statistics, Convex Optimization, Computational Biology, Theoretical Physics
December 2, 2023,
I was awarded an honorary doctorate by the University of Bern,
Switzerland. In June 2024, I will be awarded an honorary doctorate by the
University of Chicago.
Many thanks to everyone who supported me.
Paul Breiding,
Kathlén Kohn and I published
this book
in the Oberwolfach Seminars Series.
We hope you'll find it useful for teaching or self-study.
News from 2024:
Madeline Brandt
accepted a tenure-track position at Vanderbilt University.
Kemal Rose starts a postdoc at KTH Stockholm in February.
Yelena Mandelshtam
won an NSF postdoctoral fellowship, which she will take at IAS Princeton and the University of Michigan.
Yassine El Maazouz will be a Harry Bateman Fellow Caltech starting in January 2025.
Congratulations to everone!!
Mateusz Michalek
and I published this textbook in the Graduate Studies Series of the
American Mathematical Society.
We hope you'll find it useful for teaching or self-study.
This is a webinar, aimed at a general audience, in the NAS series
Mathematical Frontiers.
Mark Green
hosts short presentations by
Ravi Vakil and me.
I wrote this piece for the
Early Career Section
of the Notices of the AMS.
This article appeared in the newsletter of the European Women in Mathematics (EWM).
My daughter
Nina is a Fashion Designer. She works for
Athleta. Click
here for a article that features her. My son
Pascal is a PhD student in Computer Science. You can find him on
Google Scholar.
My wife Hyungsook Kim
published this excellent historic novel, set in 19th century Korea.