Shadow a Math Major Day
Shadow a Math Major Day is held each spring, usually the day before Cal Day. Prospective math majors visit campus and get to see what life as a math student is really like. It's a great opportunity for you to decide if Berkeley is right for you, and if math is right for you—and if it is, how to succeed in a challenging, competitive department. 2024 will be the ninth year of Shadow a Math Major Day.
Shadow a Math Major Day is an excellent opportunity to:
- Attend math classes and see what higher level mathematics classes are like.
- Learn about the math major requirements and demands from a student view-point.
- Meet other admitted students interested in math
- Familiarize yourself with Evans Hall, the home of the math department, and other parts of campus.
Shadow a Math Major Day is perfect for answering questions you might have, like:
- What are some of students’ favorite math classes?
- Who are the best professors to take classes with?
- What extracurricular opportunities are there for math majors?
- How do I get involved with research, internships, or studying math abroad?
- What do Berkeley math majors do for fun?
If you are a prospective math major reading this and want to participate in SMMD, we send out out information to students admitted as math majors as soon as we know who's been admitted; if you plan to major in math but didn't say so on your application, please reach out to us!
Berkeley Undergraduate Mathementoring Program
BUMP (function), or the Berkeley Undergraduate Mathementoring Program, is MUSA's mentoring program.
BUMP mentors, who are junior or senior volunteers, meet with their students, first and second-years (or anyone else new to the department!) to help them get comfortable in our community. MUSA occasionally sponsors special events for BUMP, but mentors and groups of mentors are responsible for holding most of the events. Applications to be a mentor/mentee are closed for this semester, but keep an eye out at the start of the next semester to get involved.