(5/2) Professor Haiman's RRR week office hours: Mon 5/5 and Tues 5/6 1-2pm, Thurs 5/8 12:30-1:30pm. See Exams below for information about the final exam and review materials.
(4/24) WeBWorK assignment 13 includes material which we will cover on the last day of class. It is due Monday, May 5. Quiz 13 is Thursday, May 1, as usual.
(4/14) To clarify: Midterm 3 covers Chapter 4 (omitting 4.6) and 5.1-5.4. It does not include 5.5, which we will cover next week.
(4/10) Reminder: Midterm 3 coming up, Friday April 18. See Exams below for review material.
(4/9) Final exam will be in 1 Pimentel Hall
(3/5) Midterms 2 (Fri Mar 14) and 3 (Fri Apr 18) will be in the same rooms as Midterm 1. See Exams below for Midterm 2 review.
(2/12) Rooms for Midterm 1 this Friday:
(2/8) Midterm 1 is coming up, Friday Feb. 14. It will take place in the lecture room and a second room, location to be announced. See Exams below for more information.
(1/25) The online homework system is now up and hopefully working. See Homework and Quizzes, below.
(1/22) Welcome to Math 1A! Check this page for announcements, homework assignments, exam solutions, etc.
GSI's and their office hours:
You may be able to use an older edition, as long as you are aware that section numbers and exercises may have changed. You will need to have a friend with the current edition so you can compare.
Week | Lectures | Reading | Remarks |
Jan 22-24 | 1-2 | Preview and 1.1-1.2 | |
Jan 27-31 | 3-5 | 1.3, 1.5-1.6 | |
Feb 3-7 | 6-8 | 2.1-2.4 | |
Feb 10-14 | 9-10 | 2.5-2.6 | Midterm 1 Feb 14 |
Feb 19-21 | 11-12 | 2.7-2.8 | No class Feb 17 |
Feb 24-28 | 13-15 | 3.1-3.4 | |
Mar 3-7 | 16-18 | 3.5-3.8 | |
Mar 10-14 | 19-20 | 3.9-3.10 | Midterm 2 Mar 14 |
Mar 17-21 | 21-23 | 4.1-4.4 | |
Mar 24-28 | Spring Break | ||
Mar 31-Apr 4 | 24-26 | 4.5, 4.7-4.8 | |
Apr 7-11 | 27-29 | 5.1-5.3, 4.9 | |
Apr 14-18 | 30-31 | 5.4-5.5 | Midterm 3 Apr 18 |
Apr 21-25 | 32-34 | 6.1-6.2 | |
Apr 28-May 2 | 35-37 | 6.3, 6.5 | |
May 5-9 | Reading/Review Week | ||
May 13 | Final Exam |
Any changes will be announced in class and shown on this web page.
Midterm 1: Friday, February 14, 10:10-11am. Solutions. Oops! Solution to #5 is wrong. I meant to put sin(x) where I put cos(x). So the problem is easier and the correct answer is 1, by direct substitution.
Covers all preceding lectures, through Stewart 2.6. For review, here are some midterms from previous years (skip questions about derivatives for now): Fall 10, Fall 06, Fall 04; Solutions: Fall 10 (2/3 should be -2/3 in #6), Fall 06, Fall 04.
Midterm 2: Friday, March 14, 10:10-11am, same rooms as Midterm 1. Solutions
Covers Lectures 11-20, Stewart 2.7 through 3.10. You may also need to know things from earlier in the course to solve some of the problems. Here are some more old midterms for review. Fall 2010 (skip #4 and #6), Fall 2006 (skip #5–#8, see also Fall 2006 Midterm 1 #9, #10) Fall 2004 (skip #6–#9, see also Fall 2004 Midterm 1 #7–#9); Solutions: Fall 2010, Fall 2006, Fall 2004.
Midterm 3: Friday, April 18, 10:10-11am, same rooms as Midterms 1 and 2. Solutions
Covers Lectures 21-31, Stewart Chapters 4 (omitting 4.6) and 5.1-5.4, along with earlier material as needed. Old midterms for review: Fall 2010 (ignore slant asymptote in #3), see also Fall 2006 Midterm 2 #5–#8 and Fall 2004 Midterm 2 #6–#9. Solutions: Fall 2010.
Covers the whole course. About half of the exam will be on material from after Midterm 3: Stewart 5.5, 6.1-6.3 and 6.5. Two sheets of notes are allowed.
Here are past final exams for review: Fall 2010, Fall 2006, Fall 2004. Solutions: 2010, 2006, 2004.
On midterms you can use one sheet of notes, written on normal sized paper, both sides. On the final you can use two note sheets. No other books, notes, calculators or other electronic devices may be used during exams.
Accommodations: Students requiring special accommodations for exams must provide documentation from the Disabled Students' Program (DSP) and contact me at least two weeks prior to the first exam, so that arrangements can be made.
You may collaborate with others in solving homework problems, but you must enter your solutions independently, without copying from notes taken in group work. Taking solutions from the web or from previous years classes is not allowed.
The Student Learning Center offers drop-in tutoring Monday through Thursday 10-4. There will also be an adjunct Math 98 course taught by Michael Wong.
Set | Quiz Date/ WeBWork Due |
Stewart problems |
0 and 1 | Jan 30 | 1.2 #8; 1.3 #24, 36(a) and find the domain, 59; 1.5, #4, 24 and why? |
2 | Feb 6 | 1.6 #57; 2.2 #46; 2.3 #10, 26, 40, 48 |
3 | Feb 13 | 2.4 #11, 14, 21; 2.5 #52, 68; 2.6 #10, 26 |
4 | Feb 20 | 2.7 #22, 36, 48, 54; 2.8 #7, 39 |
5 | Feb 27 | 3.1 #63, 76; 3.2 #55, 62 (note Exercise 18 is on the WeBWorK set); 3.3 #31, 55 |
6 | Mar 6 | 3.4 #42, 66, 91; 3.5 #36, 75; 3.6 #51 |
7 | Mar 13 | 3.8 #10; 3.9 #35, 38; 3.10 #21, 34, 44 |
8 | Mar 20 | 4.1 #14(a), 74; 4.2 #12; 4.3 #31 |
9 | Apr 3 | 4.4 #73; 4.5 #27, 48; 4.7 #18, 43, 70 |
10 | Apr 10 | 4.8 #5 (and explain), 35; 5.1 #16 (use both left and right endpoints, then average the results), 23; 5.2 #18, 53, 54 |
11 | Apr 17 | 4.9 #50, 55; 5.3 #3, 53, 70; 5.4 #50, 56 |
12 | Apr 24 | 5.5 #77, 79, 88; 6.1 #19, 32 |
13 | Quiz May 1 WeBWorK May 5 | 6.2 #8, 40, 61, 6.3 #2, 30, 46 |
Start by doing Homework Set 0, which is a tutorial on using WeBWorK. It has no due date and doesn't count for any points.
Regular homework sets are due at 11:59pm on Thursdays, starting Jan 30 for Homework Set 1. The answers become available immediately after the due time.
You can attempt each problem as many times as you like. However, I suggest that you not guess over and over if you are having difficulty with a problem. Taking time to think it through, perhaps with pencil and paper, is a wiser strategy.
Everyone registered or on the waitlist for the class should be in the system. If you have trouble logging in, please e-mail me a copy of the error message, including any UID number shown at the end. The most likely reasons for problems logging in are:
Your lowest midterm grade will be dropped and replaced by your final exam grade if it is higher. There will be no makeup exams. This grading policy allows you to miss one midterm. Missing more than one midterm or the final exam will have a strong negative impact on your grade. Please check your schedule to be sure you do not have a conflict with exam times.
Only your 10 best quiz scores will count. There will be no makeup quizzes.
Incomplete grades: The grade of Incomplete is rarely given, and only in cases of documented serious medical or family emergency. An Incomplete grade is to be completed by taking the final exam in Math 1A next semester. You can only receive an Incomplete grade if you have passing scores on the work not missed.
You MUST attend the discussion section you are registered for. If you wish to add or drop this course after TeleBears ends, here is the form and instructions. The deadline to add or drop without the dean's approval (which is rarely given) is February 21, 2014.
Type of Question | Person to Ask | When and How |
Enrollment and Section Placement | Go to TeleBears or ask Thomas Brown |
Online |
Quiz scores | GSI | Office hours |
Exam scores | GSI or Professor | Office hours |
Math questions | GSI or Professor | Discussion section, office hours |
Emergencies | Professor | Office hours, email |
Missed class, administrative announcements | Your classmates, this webpage | Up to you |