249A (2018) |
Automorphy Lifting (in progress) |
Richard Taylor |
249C (2017) |
Geometric Quantization and Representation Theory (in progress) |
Akshay Venkatesh |
249B (2017) |
Alterations. (Due to a broken hand, this was picked up by Aaron Landesman.) |
Brian Conrad |
245C (2016) |
Geometry of Numbers |
Akshay Venkatesh |
249B (2016) |
Reductive Groups over Fields |
Brian Conrad |
245B (2016) |
Enumerating Curves in Calabi-Yau Threefolds (under revision) |
Jun Li |
258 (2016) |
Higgs Bundles and Non-Abelian Hodge Theory (under revision) |
Rafe Mazzeo |
263C (2015) |
The Analytic Class Number Formula and L-functions (Under revision) |
Akshay Venkatesh |
245C (2015) |
Automorphic Forms on Shimura Varieties (Under revision) |
Zhiyuan Li |
249C (2015)
| Abelian Varieties (Under revision) |
Brian Conrad |
282C (2015) |
Fiber Bundles and Cobordism (Under revision) |
Dan Berwick-Evans |
245B (2015) |
Equivariant Algebraic Geometry |
Ravi Vakil |
263B (2015) |
Modular Representation Theory |
Dan Bump |
249B (2015) |
The Langlands Correspondence for Global Function Fields |
Zhiwei Yun |
248 (2014) |
Introduction to Ergodic Theory |
Maryam Mirzakhani |