Lectures and Unpublished Articles
- Bohr-Sommerfeld quantization revisited
[Caution: some small mistakes]
- Quantization commutes with reduction AGAIN
(Miami HMS 2024) Notes
- Character theory for topological G-actions on categories (Miam HMS 2024) Notes
- Condensed Thoughts Simons Foundation, November 2023 Slides
- Condensation and EM duality notes (Les Diablerets, September 2022)
- 2D Quantization commutes with Reduction, Nordita, August 2023
- Gauge Theory and Mirror Symmetry in 3D
- Gromov-Witten gauge theory Lecture I and
Lecture II, Bangalore, February 2023
- Coulomb branches and KO theory, MSRI, December 13, 2022
- Towards a universal target for TQFTS, Simons Foundation,
November 16, 2022,
- Higher units in K-theory and Coulomb branches, Gregynog, July 2022
- Go and No-Go in Chern-Simons theoryMPPM Seminar
Wales, June 2020
- Coulomb branches for quaternionic representations,
Perimeter Institute, April 2020
- Chicago workshop, Feb 2019
- Auckland conference, Dec 2018
- The gauged
symplectic sigma-model IAS Princeton, 15 November 2016
- Introduction to Quadratic Topology,YRM lecture,
Oxford 2015
- Categorical representation and character
theory, Berkeley Math-Physics meeting, April 2015
- Gauge theory and Mirror symmetry, ICM
slides, Seoul, 2014
- Loop Groups, TQFT and Algebraic
Geometry (Survey talk, MSRI, 1/31/2014)
- Five lectures on TQFT, Barcelona 2012
- Gauge theory, Langlands duality and Mirror
symmetry, Simons Center, Northeastern & Columbia, Feb-April
2012 video
- Luminy version of the above, with some
comments on the space of states
Langlands duality in Mirror symmetry, Perspectives in Geometry
lecture series, UT Austin, 2011
- Group actions on categories and Langlands duality (Utrecht 2011)
Lecture 1 Lecture
Lecture 3
- Invertible TQFTs and higher categories,
Colloquium, Utrecht, May 2011
- Lie
group actions on categories (KITP Santa Barbara, Langlands Duality
mini-program, 2010)
- Gauged TQFTs in 2
dimensions (GQT conference, Nijmegen, 2010)
- Gauged
mirror symmetry and Landau-Ginzburg potentials in the Brauer group
(MSRI, 2009)
- Lecture at the Fifth European Congress
of Mathematics (Amsterdam, 7/2008)
- Kolchin Lecture (Columbia, 2008)
- British Topology Meeting (Sheffield, 9/2007)
- Adem Lectures (Mexico City, 9/2006)
- The
Structure of 2D Semi-Simple Field Theories
(Lecture at: Mathematical Structures in String Theory, KITP,
Santa Barbara, 2005)
- Loop Groups and Moduli of G-bundles on curves
(DRAFT notes based on Lecture in Seattle, July 2005)
- On Semi-simple TFTs and Gromov-Witten theory of BG:
Gregynog 10/04, Goettingen
11/04, Miami 12/04
- Higher
twistings of K-theory and moduli spaces
(Lecture at: Geometry, Topology and Strings, KITP Santa Barbara,
- Twisted K-theory and the Verlinde algebra:
Lisbon 06/03, Dirac
family, Twisted K and Verlinde
- De Rham's theorem for stacks (with
C. Simpson).
Caution: The last item is unfinished and may forever remain