Xianglong Ni's Webpage


I'm Xianglong Ni, a sixth-year PhD student in Mathematics at UC Berkeley advised by David Eisenbud.

Contact Information

Office: 1093 Evans
Email: xlni (at) berkeley.edu


My research interests are at the intersection of representation theory and commutative algebra. In particular, I am interested in using tools from the former to investigate the structure theory of perfect ideals, especially from the perspective of linkage. Here is my research statement, and below are papers or notes I've written on the subject.
Title Link Comments
Licci ideals as an obstruction to Noetherian base rings for generic free resolutions PDF A brief note explaining how the non-Noetherianity of Weyman's generic ring for a given format implies it for any generic ring of that same format.
Weyman's generic ring for free resolutions of length three slides Slides for a talk I gave in the special session on group actions in commutative algebra at JMM 2024.
ADE correspondence for grade three perfect ideals (2023) draft PDF Joint with Lorenzo Guerrieri and Jerzy Weyman. We show how the ADE correspondence may be used to classify perfect ideals of grade three with small Betti numbers.
Parametrizing higher structure maps for resolutions of length three (2023) PDF An analysis of the relations which hold in Weyman's generic ring.
Free resolutions constructed from bigradings on Lie algebras (2023) arXiv Joint with Jerzy Weyman. Resolves the coordinate rings for certain Schubert varieties restricted to an open cell.
Higher structure maps for free resolutions of length 3 and linkage (2022) arXiv Joint with Lorenzo Guerrieri and Jerzy Weyman. An explicit study of how (the first few) higher structure maps coming from Weyman's generic ring behave under linkage.
I've also written some Macaulay2 code to help experiment with this project.


In my time at Berkeley, I have taught a total of 9 times during the fall/spring, and 3 times over the summer. Here is my teaching statement.

Current (Spring 2024)

I am not teaching this semester.


Math 53 (Fall 2023 as GSI). No link because we used bCourses.
Math 110 (Summer 2023 as course instructor). No link because we used bCourses.
Math 110 (Spring 2023 as GSI)
Math 53 (Fall 2022 as GSI)
Math 53 (Fall 2021 as GSI)
Math 53 (Fall 2020 as GSI)
Math 110 (Summer 2020 as course instructor). No link because we used bCourses.
Math 53 (Spring 2020 as GSI)
Math 53 (Fall 2019 as GSI). No link because we used bCourses.
Math 110 (Summer 2019 as course instructor)
Math 53 (Spring 2019 as GSI)
Math 1A (Fall 2018 as GSI)

Qualifying Exam

I passed my qualifying exam on April 21, 2020. Here is my syllabus and transcript.