Fall 2024
September-December: Participating in the IAS special year on algebraic and geometric combinatorics in Princeton, New Jersey
October 3-4: Organizing the Amplitudes and Combinatorics Synergy Event at the IAS in Princeton, New Jersey
Summer 2024
May 29-31: speaking at Harvard CMSA Conference on Amplituhedra, Cluster Algebras and Positive Geometry in Cambridge, Massachussetts
June 10: giving a guest lecture at Euler Circle's independent research and paper-writing class
July 1 - August 30: President's postdoctoral fellowship at UCLA
July 6-12: Duluth, Minnesota: visiting the Duluth mathematics REU
August 17-24: Bologna, Italy: working with collaborators at the university of Bologna
Spring 2024
February 12-16: Attending and giving a talk at the Conference on Positive Geometry in Particle Physics and Cosmology in Leipzig, Germany
March 3: colloquium talk at Bar-Ilan University
April: visiting Harvard CMSA for the Mathematical Aspects of Scattering Amplitudes Program in Cambridge, Massachussetts
Fall 2023
September 13th-15th: Ann Arbor, Michigan: visiting + giving two talks at the University of Michigan
October 5th: Los Angeles, California: speaking at UCLA
October 16th: Providence, Rhode Island: speaking at Brown University
October 18th: Boston, Massachussetts: speaking at the MIT/Harvard Richard P. Stanley Seminar in Combinatorics
Summer 2023
July 10th - 14th: organizing a minisymposium and speaking at the SIAM Conference on Applied Algebraic Geometry in Eindhoven, the Netherlands
July 30th - August 4th: speaking at Number Theory and Combinatorics in Duluth: Honoring Joe Gallian and 45 years of the Duluth REU in Duluth, Minnesota
Spring 2023
January 4th - 7th: giving two talks at the Joint Mathematics Meetings in Boston, Massachussetts
January 8th - May: Leipzig, Germany: Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences
January 18th: Tübingen, Germany: speaking at Universität Tübingen
February 9-10: Berlin, Germany: Northern German Algebraic Geometry Seminar at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
February 24th - 26th: ICERM workshop on Algebraic Geometry in Spectral Theory
February 27th-28th: visiting + speaking at Georgia Tech
May 12th-24th: visiting Israel
May 16th: Rehovot, Israel: visiting + speaking at the Weizmann Institute of Science
Fall 2022
September - December: Berkeley, CA
Summer 2022
June 10-June 20: visitor at the University of Minnesota Duluth Mathematics REU
June 27-July 1: Combinatorial, Computational, and Applied Algebraic Geometry, University of Washington, Seattle
July 3- August 1: Leipzig, Germany: Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences
July 18- July 23: Istanbul, Turkey: visiting Boğaziçi University
Spring 2022
Jan - March: Berkeley, CA
March 5-12: visiting Israel
March 10: Speaking at Tel-Aviv University
March 13- April 5: Leipzig, Germany: Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences
March 15-17: Speaking at the Leipzig Lectures on Theta - Replacement Week, MPI MiS Leipzig
April 8: Co-organizing the UCB-UBC Mathematical Computing Virtual Workshop
April 25: Mini-workshop on Algebraic Statistics, Harvard
April 26: Speaking at the Combinatorics and Nonlinear Algebra day at Brown
April 27-29: Speaking at the Workshop on Nonlinear Algebra and Combinatorics from Physics, Harvard
Fall 2021
September - December: Berkeley, CA
September 29: Speaking at SFSU
Summer 2021
May 30 - June 20: advisor for the University of Minnesota Duluth Mathematics REU
June 27 - August 26: Leipzig, Germany: Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences
July 12 - July 23: Speaking at the Mathematical Congress of the Americas
Spring 2021
February 4: TA at the ICERM Introductory Workshop: Combinatorial Algebraic Geometry
Fall 2020
August 18 - November 30: Leipzig, Germany: Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences
Summer 2020
May 2 - May 31: virtual visit to Leipzig, Germany: Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences
June 1 - June 5: Warwick Macaulay 2 Workshop
June 1 - August 8: advisor for the University of Minnesota Duluth Mathematics REU
Spring 2020
January - March: Berkeley, California
March - May: on Zoom
April 17th: Qualifying Exam (Syllabus)
Fall 2019
September - December: Berkeley, California
Summer 2019
June 22 - June 29: visiting the University of Minnesota Duluth Mathematics REU
July 21 - August 3: Leipzig, Germany: Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences