Fall, 2005
MWF 2-3PM, 155
Dwinelle Hall
Basic linear algebra; matrix arithmetic and determinants. Vector
spaces; inner product spaces. Eigenvalues and eigenvectors;
linear transformations. Homogeneous ordinary differential
equations; first-order differential equations with constant
coefficients. Fourier series and partial differential equations.
CourseWeb Math 54 page
Head TA
The Head TA for Math 54 is
Please see his
Math 54 page for
information on how to enroll in this class.
- Elementary linear algebra with applications by Richard Hill
- Elementary differential equations and boundary value problems
by William E. Boyce and Richard C. PiPrima
Both books are available in custom paperback editions that were created
for U.C. Berkeley. For the Hill book, we will be discussing the first five
chapters: introduction to linear equations and matrices; vector spaces;
linear transformations, orthogonal projections, and least squares; eigenvectors
and eigenvalues.
In the differential equations book, we will be covering a host of
topics, including: ordinary differential equations; systems of ordinary
differential equations; connections with eigenvalues; Fourier series;
partial differential equations.
in this course will be based on a composite
grade that is intended to weight
the course components as follows:
midterm exams 15% each, class work (including homework and
25%, final exam 45%.
In the past two semesters of Math 54, the grade distribution was
roughly as follows:
24% A, 35% B, 24% C, 17% D/F.
A calendar of course events, including brief descriptions of lecture
topics, is available in
.html format
or as an
iCal calendar.
The calendar will be updated frequently with descriptions of lectures
that are about to be given (or have just been given). When you click on
the "Math 54 Lecture" link for a given date, a pop-up window will supply
the relevant description and the associated homework assignment.
Please note, in particular, the following important items:
- First midterm exam, Wednesday, September 28, 2005, in class.
[Possible solutions, written by
- Last midterm exam, Wednesday, November 2, 2005, in class.
[Possible solutions, written by
Ribet on a plane to NY.]
- Final examination, Saturday 5-8PM, December 17, 2005 in
[Sample exam from a previous semester].
Possible solutions, written by
The dates of the midterm exams were dictated by
add/drop policies of
the College of Letters and Sciences.
The deadline for adding or dropping this course and for changing from
pass/not pass to a letter grade will be midnight on Friday, September 30,
2005. The deadline to change from a letter grade to P/NP will be
midnight on Friday, November 4, 2005.
Homework and quizzes
The homework assignments will consist of roughly 10-12 short problems
for each lecture. The assignments need to be handed in to your GSI
according to the following schedule: assignments for Monday lectures are
due the following Thursday (i.e., three days later), while assignments
for Wednesday and Friday lectures are due the following Tuesday (six
or four days later). There will be a weekly quiz on Thursday in
the discussion section.
join your professor
and other Math 54 students for lunch
in the residence
hall dining commons (or elsewhere!).
Online discussion
Please register for
google groups
and join the group
Math 54.
You can look at the
Math 110 group
from last semester to see some ways in which our group might be used.
Last Updated: