Scientific Computing and Matrix Computations Seminar

Organized by James Demmel and Ming Gu

Fall 2016

Wednesdays 12:10PM-1:00PM in 380 Soda Hall.

Past Seminars

Current Schedule

Date Speaker Affiliation Talk
Aug. 31, Eric Hallman
UC Berkeley
Minimizing the Backward Error in Iterative Methods for Least-Squares Problems
Sept. 7
Alberto Grunbaum
UC Berkeley
Quantum walks and linear algebra over a ring
Sept. 14
Pieter Ghysels
Preconditioning using Hierarchically Semi-Separable matrices and randomized projection
Sept. 21
Christine Klymko
Detection of highly-cyclic communities in directed networks
Sept. 28
William Kahan
UC Berkeley
Ignorance vs. Numerical Computation
Oct. 5
Jianwei Xiao
UC Berkeley
On reliability of randomized QR factorization with column pivoting
Oct. 12
Michael Saunders
Stanford University
The DQQ procedure for multiscale optimization
Oct. 19
Alex Rusciano
UC Berkeley
The HBL Lower Bounds
Oct. 26
Beresford Parlett
UC Berkeley
The Envelope Method
Nov. 2
Keith Miller
UC Berkeley
Moving Finite Elements, Preconditioners for Nonlinear Krylov
Nov. 9
Yang You
UC Berkeley
Asynchronous Parallel Greedy Coordinate Descent
Nov. 16
Davide Martizzi
Swiss National Science Foundation Fellow and UCB
Studying cosmic structure formation with computational methods
Nov. 23

Non-Instructional Day
Nov. 30
Alex Gittens
UC Berkeley
Terabyte-scale linear algebra: Spark vs MPI, and Spark with MPI