Scientific Computing and Matrix Computations Seminar

Organized by James Demmel and Ming Gu

Spring 2014

Wednesdays 11:10AM-12:00Noon in 380 Soda Hall.

Past Seminars

Current Schedule

Date Speaker Affiliation Talk
Jan. 29 Prof. Lexing Ying
Stanford University
Hierarchical interpolative factorization
Feb. 5 Ming Gu
UC Berkeley
Subspace Iteration Randomization

Feb. 12 Edgar Solomonik
Tradeoffs between synchronization, communication, and work in parallel schedules
Feb. 19

Feb. 26
Grey Ballard
Sandia National Lab
Reconstructing Householder Vectors from TSQR
March 5

March 12

March 19

March 26

April 2

April 9

April 16

April 23

April 30