Scientific Computing and Matrix Computations Seminar

Organized by James Demmel and Ming Gu

Spring 2011

Wednesdays 11:00AM-Noon in 380 Soda Hall.

Past Seminars

Current Schedule

Date Speaker Affiliation Talk
Jan. 26 Vladimir Rokhlin
Yale University
Accurate Randomized Algorithms of Numerical Analysis.
Feb. 2 David Gleich
Sandia National Laboratory, Livermore
Fast Katz and Commuters - Quadrature Rules and Sparse Linear Solvers for Link Prediction Heuristics

Feb. 9 Jim Demmel
UC Berkeley
Recent Progress in Communication Avoiding Algorithms
Feb. 16
Chao Yang
Solving Large-scale Eigenvalue Problems in Nuclei Structure Calculation.
Feb. 23
Lior Pachter
UC Berkeley
Scientific computing challenges in the analysis of high-throughput sequencing-based experiments
March 2

No Meeting due to the SIAM CSE meeting in Reno
March 9
Per-Olof Persson
UC Berkeley
High-Order Discontinuous Galerkin Simulation of Flapping Wings Designed for Energetically Optimal Flight
March 16
Florian Hecht
UC Berkeley
Updated Sparse Cholesky Factors for Co-Rotational Elastodynamics
March 23

No Meeting. Spring Break
March 30
Prof. W. Kahan
UC Berkeley
A Tutorial Overview of Vector and Matrix Norms
April 6
Artem Napov
An algebraic multigrid method with guaranteed convergence rate
April 13
Ichitaro Yamazaki
Sparse Matrix Techniques in a Parallel Hybrid Solver for Large-scale Linear Systems
April 20
Aaditya Rangan
Courant Institute
Detecting low-rank submatrices: some methods and applications
April 27
Frederic Gibou
UC Santa Barbara
Numerical Solvers for Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations on Octree Adaptive Grids
May 4
Takeshi Iwashita
Kyoto University, Japan
Hybrid parallel ordering method for a parallelized multiplicative Schwarz smoother in a multigrid solver for time-harmonic electromagnetic field problems